
I Got Recommended In 6th Attempt For Indian Air Force Meteorology Branch

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Meteorology Branch SSB Experience

Hello friends, my name is VARANASI ADITYA PAVAN from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. I completed my M.Sc. physics in 2014. I gave 5 attempts to enter into my dreamed organisation, first three are conference out and next two are screened out. For meteorology branch this is my 3rd attempt.

It was a warm morning in the month of April in Mysore, we all around 105 members gathered at Mysore rly. Station, some of air force personnel’s came and taken us to the AFSB centre. One officer briefed day 1 testing process and later the test was started. Finally they took 32 out of 105, but due to lack of certificates 3 members are routed back, now we are 29. After completion of certificate verification psychology test was conducted on the same day because the next day is Dr. Ambedkar Jayanthi (i.e., 14 April 2015) holiday for them.

TAT test was quiet good I wrote 12 stories and in WAT I just wrote 54 sentences out of 60. Next a small incident was happened, when the officer is briefing about SRT test without his permission I opened SRT booklet, he noticed me and scolded like anything and also said I noted your chest number and will see how you will get recommended this time. I completely lost hope for few seconds and later without losing any confidence I completed 39 SRT’s. SD is well.Meteorology Branch SSB Experience

Friends here I want to say one thing if any small mistake u did in ssb don’t bother about that move forward with the same confidence don’t lose it.

Next day is holiday till afternoon we all enjoyed by playing TT, caroms, learned few things about IAF in motivation room. In this happy moment when I and 3 of my friends are playing caroms, one officer came for inspection and caught me that I was not wearing chest number at that time, he warned me and went. Afternoon some of us went to CBS had some snacks and came back.

Next day is my GTO. We group of 7 members are waiting in a room for GD task. One officer came and said good morning gentlemen sorry for late, my heart beat was raised by seeing him and he is the same person who warned me yesterday. But still I didn’t lose my confidence.

Now our GD was started,

1. Women harassment in India.

  • Due to education system.
  • Due to Not applying strong laws.
  • Due to lack of parent’s guidance.

2. Secret under Obama visit to India.

  • To make strong defence relations.
  • To make strong nuclear deal.
  • To work with India for fighting with terrorism.

Everyone gave their points, I spoken for 4 times in each GD it went very cool.

Next is GPE, here we got enough time to solve all problems and gave good conclusion for that, next we started outdoor tasks.

In PGT we all completed first two tasks well and in third task the entire group was stuck in middle, the GTO gave a clue and we completed it well, in the last PGT GTO asked how the last person will complete the last. Next is HGT here GTO divided group into 4 and 3 members. I am in 3 members group, we 3 completed the task within a minute. Next is Command Task, here I am the 2nd person called by GTO, he gave a task that there is a bomb in middle and had only one line for start and stop. I completed it quickly and then he started removing obstacles and making it tougher, even though I completed it fastly. Later in my group 5 members asked me for help in their task.

After a small break we all ready for individual obstacles, here I am the first person to do I completed 9 obstacles out of 10. Finally our final group task was completed well. There is no lecturette for my batch.

Next day early morning is my interview. I reported at 8000 hrs. they said my interview will be with the board president, I was waited up to 1200 hrs. Here president was very cool, he already had my performance details of Psych and GTO. It was just 15 mins interview. And the questions were very general like about my family, friends, education, my future plans, my preparation for ssb, few questions from physics, about met branch.

In the afternoon I went to Chamundi temple with my friends. Next day is conference, here they asked common in general questions like any suggestions, how was your stay? . After lunch our results are ready we all waiting in testing hall, DSO came and gave closing address and said in your batch only one got selected and the chest number is………………….  After a long silence he announced it is 16. My eyes was filled with water and I myself said yes this is the movement I waited for 3 years, later for form filling it took 6hrs.

My medicals are at IAM Bengaluru on July 06. Here I got temporary rejection for underweight and gave 1 month I Got Recommended In 6th Attempt For Indian Air Force Meteorology Branchtime. I gained my weight and cleared my medicals…

I got my merit list and I am going to join AFA on 02 Jan 16.

Friend’s one suggestion from me keep an eye on your weight many people get TR in medicals due to under and heavy weights.

To get best preparation for SSB interview get this book “Let’s Crack SSB Interview

My special THANKS to SSBCrack team for posting good articles and encouraging defence aspirants.


Olive Squad Mugs


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