
Height and Weight Required To Become A Pilot In Indian Air Force

By SSBCrack

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Indian Air Force Pilots

Indian armed forces are known for the diverse field of operations and their soldiers are trained to attain full accessibility in those terrains. With the hike in youth’s interest in armed forces, it is seen that youth are mostly having their inclination toward flying branch. So here we are flashing light over the height and weight requirement for a pilot in the armed forces.

Firstly, Indian armed forces have the best pilots of the world. Indian army, navy and Air Force release vacancies for pilots for respective areas of functioning. And their training is also special. As they bear the responsibility of multimillion dollar aircraft along with several lives in it, they are expected to be fit, both mentally and physically. An aspirant seeking way to get into the pilot field of Indian Air Force, they need to appear in some physical and mental tests. Some basic physical requirements include eyesight perfection; free from disease and bone or muscle defect height and weight measures and coordination, etc. here we are discussing the height and Wight coordination.

Pattern – For a pilot of Indian Air Force, you don’t need to have specific weight or height to get into this field. The criteria for height and weight are quite good which has a range of height and weight. Medical standards have a chart which describes the height and weight coordination. The height and weight, coordination of an aspirant must meet with the age of the candidate as given in the chart. The chart shows a pattern of increasing weight requirement with increasing height along with the range of age.Indian Air Force Pilots

Pattern for Indian Air Force – The minimum height required for males is going through CDS entry is 162.5 cms and for NDA aspirants it is 152 cms. Normally, ± 10% form average weight is acceptable in the armed forces. The table for Indian Air Force has mentioned the height of candidate in millimetres starting from 1520 mm and ending to 1930 mm. While the maximum and minimum weight mentioned the table is 46 kgs to 82 kgs. And when it comes to the age range, the age has some ranges starting from 15 years and ending at 48 years. But the required age for a pilot is 15-24 years staring from NDA to CDS, NCC entry and AFCAT entry.

While army and navy also have some pilots and these two forces have their separate table for this pattern. There is also a separate chart for women and the army has provided relaxation to the people belonging to north eastern states and Lakshadweep.

Weight-related problem – Height problem is rarely seen in aspirants and weight has become a major problem for aspirant these days. Many aspirants who get recommended while working in private sector faces the problem of either overweight or underweight. Reason being the desk job where you have a computer as your only companion and have to spend 8-9hours with it. Well aspirants who want to reduce weight need to balance their diet and include exercise in their daily routine. While aspirants who want to increase their weight are also required to increase nutritious food along with physical exercise.

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