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PsychologySituation Reaction Test6 Tips To Remember While Responding To SRT

6 Tips To Remember While Responding To SRT

Situation reaction test is a test based on how you perceive a situation and how you act to solve them or tackle them in a fraction of time. It is not a university exam, where you have to fill the sheets to score more. Whatever happens, in SSB is observed in a qualitative way. So you have to drive yourself to the qualitative way rather than quantitative way. Entire SSB depends on your mental ability which governs your recommendation. SRT is a part of psychological testing in which you are given some day-to-day situation and you have to answer them in your way.

Here are some points every SSB aspirant must remember before attempting SRTs.

  • You are not a superman – Be a normal person and reply like a normal man. There are many situations where you will find one on one situation. You can fight there and it will show stamina and strength. But some situations appear when you are facing many opponents. There you have to use your mind and tackle the situation using tricks.
  • These are experience based – You need to have a wide range of experience to handle SRTs. It is impossible to experience an entire world at this age. But you are expected to have basic experience of casual life. Like what you will do when you get stuck in a lift, or how you can improvise when you want an urgent ticket in any train. Day-to-day experience is enough to tackle these SRTs.
  • Try to keep the response short – A candidate gets a set of 60 SRTs. It is up to the candidate’s calibre about how much he attempts. There is nothing right and nothing wrong. What the assessors want is the quality of replies, not the quantity. Candidates sometimes encounter a situation where a count of responses is more. So make the response short and put them in sequence. It is a test of your perception, not any grammar test. So focus on your response rather than grammar.
  • Don’t fabricate or impose response on situations– Most of the aspirants respond in fabricated way and reduces their chance of their recommendation by themselves. Be normal and mention what suits you. A thin candidate mentioning about lifting 50 kg weight is absurd. So don’t write what is not possible. And respond as per your personality and your way of thinking.
  • Stick to the qualities – While answering SRT, you have to commemorate the qualities that the army wants. Like don’t transfer the responsibility given to you, don’t stop your work and find new ways to complete the work or for tackling the situations, show punctuality task and time management etc.
  • Don’t skip any SRT – It is the most important part of the SRT test that whenever you attempt SRT, doesn’t skip any problem in between them. This shows two things, first the block mindedness of the candidates and secondly lack of response in tough situations. So be continues in SRTs. Like every question paper is set as per syllabus, similarly, SRTs are also framed as per the calibre of candidates of specific ages. All problems are answerable, what’s needed is concentration and a bit sequence of responses given.


DOWNLOAD: ” Situation Reaction Test Solved Part 1 eBook

About: Situation Reaction Test eBook Part 1 consists of solved100 original situations candidates will face in SSB/AFSB/NSB/ICG psychological test SRT. This eBook contains 200 responses and 2 unique responses for every SRT situation. Candidates can also find the qualities/OLQs mentioned in front of every single SRT response which will help them to understand OLQs and how to show them in word association test.



Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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