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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceSSB Recommended Thrice Consecutively For NDA 135, TES 34 and Navy Tech

SSB Recommended Thrice Consecutively For NDA 135, TES 34 and Navy Tech

Hello, friends! First, thank you readers! for having chosen to read this article.  This is Priyanshu Pratim Borah. I have been recommended thrice consecutively- first from 33 Naval Selection Board (Bhopal)[ CHEST NO.24] for 10+2 B.Tech Navy Course, second for NDA 135 course from 4 Air Force Selection Board (Varanasi)[CHEST NO.33] and third from 34 Service Selection Board (Allahabad)[CHEST NO.29] for Army TES-34 Course.

Well friends, I feel a strong urge in me to motivate all my friends and entrants to join Defence forces. For the accomplishment of the same, I am articulating my experience at 33 SSB from 27th July 2015 to 1st August 2015 for it was my first attempt and first recommendation of my life.


There was no direct train from Assam to Bhopal on that day so I reached Bhopal one day before reporting day. I took a hotel and resided there. When in the hotel, I prepared a little for the intelligence test and for PPDT (frankly friends I enjoyed more watching TV, listening to songs and went a little outside to eat at some restaurant)J. The very next day on 27th July I checked out from the hotel at around 6:00 AM and reached the station. Although the reporting time for SSB was 2:15 PM yet I reached there early. But soon I discovered many SSB aspirants waiting at the waiting hall. Soon I joined the group and we all together went out for breakfast. Having waited for an hour or two, an official in dress came and proclaimed “all SSB candidates report to the parking lot of Bhopal Junction”. We all took our bags and reported there. A bus entitled ‘SCC’ which meant ‘Selection Centre Central’ came and took all of us to the centre. There we are asked to queue up and then allotted rooms to stay. I must admit the rooms were very commodious and equipped with all modern amenities. We five stayed in a room. We were asked to report the arrival shade at 4:00 PM. We all sat in the front. Soon, CHM sir came and handed me a list comprising 449 names and asked me to read it loud. And for the next twenty minutes or so, the whole environment was resonant with names from different corners of India. After that, we were asked to report to the hall and document checking along with chest number allotment went on. I got chest number 211. Total strength was around 220 or so. I thought in me ‘1+1 equals 2, that’s a good sign J’. A Naval Officer addressed us giving prima facie of what is going to happen tomorrow. Then we all departed to our rooms. We all then had had our dinner and then we laid ourselves down on the bed putting an alarm at 3:00 AM. Can you imagine? Yes, we all planned to put the alarm at 3:00 AM.


We all woke up at 3:00 AM. We all together went to take bath but discovered that there was no water in the taps. We waited till 3:30 AM. I couldn’t wait anymore. Immediately I suggested my group that we should go to 21 SSB which is just next to 33 SSB and take bath. So we all took bath and freshen ourselves in half an hour. We were then asked to pack our bags and keep it in Room No. 1. I was feeling very disheartened when I was packing my bags. Then we had our breakfast and then we all reported in front of the hall where we yesterday sat at 6:00 AM. CHM sir and JCO sir came and divided us into groups. I was in the second last group, I think. For the next one hour, we all took our intelligence test which comprised of verbal and nonverbal test for which time allotted was 22 minutes and 18 minutes respectively. I did around 40 questions out of 45 in verbal and 44 questions in nonverbal out of 45. Next we were asked to go out of the hall and wait for next test. Having waited for one hour, I think, we were again called and shown a picture. The picture was such that a person was sitting who had a bandage across his eye and three more characters were there. I perceived it to be an organ donation camp. So I wrote a story. Again we got out of the hall and asked to wait for proceeding orders. Again after half an hour, our chance came for narration and discussion test. We all narrated our stories but there were a few who couldn’t narrate and some bogged down in between. During discussion I gave my point of views regarding the story etc… and spoke for once. But soon the assessors stopped all of us saying ‘I understand gentlemen, there are different perceptions for this picture and consequently different ideas. Thank you gentlemen! You all may leave now from the way you came back.’ We were not allowed to conclude our discussion. I thought I would have to go back really the same way I came here from Assam for once I had an eye contact with one of the assessors. I didn’t do it knowingly but when I was turning my head, he was looking at me and so my eyes got stuck in him. Assessors asked us not to address them but the group.

We had our lunch and were given our travelling allowance. Soon all the candidates gathered in front of the 33 SSB office. We were asked to submit our chest numbers. I felt like I should keep that chest number with me only. Soon an officer came and he started proclaiming the results. He first started in series of numbers and crossed chest number 211. I felt like killing myself. But soon he started coming back to 80s and then 100s and then he called chest number 211. I felt jubilated. I announced my date of birth and name and I was given my new chest number that was chest number 24. In total, 35 candidates got screened in. PIQ filling etc… went on for next one hour. I still went to see off my roommates. None of them got screened in. I felt bad for them.

I then informed my parents and told them that my phone is going to be submitted for the next 5 days. I met my new roommates. Most of us who got screened in were from South. So were my roommates. I submitted my phone, had had my dinner with South Indian friends and then slept.  


We reported the office at 6:00 AM after having our breakfast and all in our formal dresses. Everyone was looking smart. We all entered the testing hall. Psychologist sir came and briefed us about the examinations of the day. In TAT, I wrote a story for all the twelve pictures as per my perception. In WAT, I attempted 59 with one in middle written half. In SRT, I attempted all the 60 SRTs.  But friends believe me! Quality matters over quantity. In Allahabad board I did only 51 SRTs and 57 WATs. Self-description was only about writing what your parents, teachers, friends and you yourself think about you. It also included writing about what you want to develop in you. Now, I find psychology test easy yet it was difficult then. J We were free for the day. Some of us were having interviews on that day but I wasn’t having it. So I was free. I went to the ante-room with my friends, watched TV and enjoyed playing caramboard. I also visited the cafeteria.


Today we all were supposed to be dressed in white shorts, white T-shirts, white shoes and white shocks. So did us. We all took our breakfast early and reported at 6:00 AM in front of the SSB gate. There we were led to GTO ground. Soon we were sent to different GTOs based on groups. The day started on with a group discussion. There will be two topics for discussion. One should remember that in group discussion, one gets more point for adding a substantial point to the discussion and not for unnecessarily speaking all the time and leading off the tangent. Friends, don’t be disheartened if you are not able to initiate the discussion… Just be focused on adding vivid and consolidating points, when required. Then there was a group planning exercise exam. In this we are to first write individual solutions to the given problems (usually four) and then a group discussion goes which ends up with a common group solution. Our group never reached a common solution. When GTO sir asked the group to nominate one to tell the common solution, a guy raised his hand everyone consented to nominate him and he narrated. GTO sir asked ‘is this the group solution?’ and the whole group in unison said a big ‘no’. He was embarrassed there. He actually changed whatever iota of plan was discussed.  It was followed by PGT and HGT. In PGT, we were given 4 obstacles to be crossed in a matter of 45 minutes. But we all managed to cross only 3. In all my three attempts, our group was able to complete only three obstacles. In PGT, I gave ideas where required and spoke when necessary. In HGT, we were given one obstacle and we were supposed to cross it. The whole group worked nicely and we were able to cross it easily. I gave ideas in almost every structure but also enhanced it with others’ ideas. It was followed by a group obstacle race or called snake race. Our group performed in all josh and zeal but we reached the last. There were many in my group who did not want to climb up the wall but rather were interested in facetiously helping. I did help friends who were heavy or were unable to climb up but did not enter into a scuffle to climb up. I did all I could do. Always remember that you must be in full encouragement when you are

I was soon informed that I was having interview just next to this task. I went to 33 SSB office and reported to PA ma’am. She told me to enter the first floor Additional Interviewing Officer’s room. I faced my interview in my GTO dress only. My interview lasted around 70 minutes. To be candid with you, having my interview done I wasn’t happy at all and I was continuously cursing the IO. He was oppugning everything and wasn’t ready to accept anything. He was rather making a mess of each and everything even when I answered. He would again and again ask ‘are you sure?’, he would drink water and look at my feet and waist and not in my eyes. No, I wasn’t trembling at all rather I was firm in whatever I said. I couldn’t answer two general knowledge questions. I preconceived then that I would never get recommended now.


Today at the same time we reported with the same attire on us like the former day. Today we started on with a lecturette. The lecturette is of three minutes and one is given the same duration of time to prepare the speech too. The process of lecturette goes on in a sequential way. One gets 3 minutes to speak. At the end of 2.5 minutes, the GTO gives one ring which means the person who is speaking should wind up and which also symbolizes for the one who is preparing to get prepared. At the end of 3 minutes, two bells are rung and it means the person who is speaking should stop, the one who is preparing needs to come and start and the consecutive person should pick up a card and go for preparation. This was followed by Command Task. This is important. By this time, the GTO has already seen and decided the optimum level of a candidate and thus assigns the task based on his erstwhile performances. My command task started on with a little chit-chat with GTO and lasted for around 20 minutes when I was assigned 5 minutes. I was given a task and I was unable to think of ideas. The GTO repeatedly was saying ‘what is this commander? What kind of idiotic idea is this? What are you doing commander?’ He was again and again rehearsing these lines. Once he called me properly an ‘idiot’ actually. He was saying ‘last 5 minutes commander! Last 30 seconds!’ Etc… But his 30 seconds would soon increase to 3 minutes and even up to 5 minutes also. Once he stepped away and got aside to talk with the other GTO too. But I was continuously saying ‘I will do it Sir!’ This was followed by individual obstacles. I did all the 10 obstacles and repeated the seventh one. Don’t worry! (In AFSB, I did 9 obstacles and in 34 SSB, I did 15 obstacles). Quality matters over quantity. One must never shiver or tremble in between. Performance with josh and courage is given value actually. All tasks finally ended. We were addressed by the GTO and he encouraged us by saying that “we all are really great but have different set of personalities. The one whose personality suits the personality required for armed forces is the one who takes away a recommendation from us. If someone is not going to get recommended tomorrow please don’t be disheartened. It just means that the sort of personality required for armed forces doesn’t suit yours. We never pass a judgement on anyone’s personality. Gentlemen! If you are really keen to join defence forces, then you must work upon your flaws and come back with a changed personality. Believe me gentlemen! People come here 23 times and then finally get recommended. See, that’s the encouragement and perseverance required. Do you know famous personalities like APJ Abdul Kalam, Akshay Kumar etc…? See Our Ex- PM Abdul Kalam decided to join Air Force but finally he became the supreme commander of armed forces. So can you…”

That day I was completely free and went to watch a movie at the theatre of SSB centre. It was ‘Drishyam’. We enjoyed but one could easily witness the fear on our faces for next day’s results.

We slept.


Today was conference day. We all dressed in formals and reported at the testing hall of 33 SSB. Soon the Deputy President of board came in his dazzling white dress with gilded strips on his shoulder and addressed us closing the SSB interview. He repeated almost the same thing that out GTO sir told us the day back. Soon the conference began. First candidates were out of room like at the speed of light. Then some time was taken at chest no.14, chest no.16 etc… My conference came. My friends said it lasted for five minutes or so. I was asked about my journey, my stay at centre, about the train I came in and suggestions, if any. While talking about the train all of a sudden he asked ‘Priyanshu, what would you have done had you lost your e-ticket?’ I answered and it all ended.

Everyone started gossiping and anticipating the result. Well, in the guesses made my chest number didn’t linger around. J Only a few were calling my chest number. We had had our lunch. We again assembled at the testing hall. Soon, psychologist sir came and motivated us. His lines still are evocative in my mind ‘so, gentlemen following chest numbers have been recommended from this board – chest no.14 (chest no.14 stood up and confirmed his name and date of birth) and chest no.24 (I was so damn shocked and happy. I stood up and announced my name and date of birth. I was sitting at the last position of the room)’. Then he said ‘Correct. That’s all gentlemen. Thank you.’ He left. All my friends started hugging me and shaking me by hands. They started greeting me. But soon CHM sir separated us and them. But still we both managed to trick the JCO sir and went out to see off friends.

That was the happiest moment of my life, I guess. My friends, I have been dying for this day when I would bring colours to my family upholding the legacy and following their trails of a life with honour and dignity. Long back someone told me ‘Serving in armed forces is not a job rather a way of life’. Yes, that is so true. Believe me friends, it is not easy to get this way of life and once gotten, not easy to be taken away from you anyway. Yet it is the dedication, devotion and your austerity that drives you through all these examinations. It is a life of glory which gives physically fit, mentally sound and morally upright life. Remember SSB is a test of your personality for armed forces. But confide in me, if you try and develop a bit of this personality then every person can add a difference to this society and thus serve the nation. Then it doesn’t matter whether you are serving in uniform or not. You are making a change, that’s what counts then. SSB is a test that is worth taking it once in your lifetime at the least for it teaches you something in a minuscule stint that you can’t learn even in eternity. In all these three attempts in these three months… I have learnt a lot. My message for defence aspirants is vivid that you must introspect, retrospect and realize what you are and what you want to do.

afsb varanasi allahabad ssb Bhopal SSB ssb recommended three times

Thank you my friend! Jai Hind!

If you have a doubt or suggestion or would like to contact me, then do write to me at pborah205@gmail.com

The Editorial Team at SSBCrack consists of professional writers, journalists and defence aspirants.

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