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SSB InterviewPersonality DevelopmentShort Distance Between Ambition And You

Short Distance Between Ambition And You

In the race of life, several hurdles appear and several emerged from meaningless sources. It’s very easy to opt an ambition, whether it is hard or an easy battle to conquer. If you are honestly dedicated to your ambition, then an easy achievable aim will also lead to some obstacles in the way.


Many aspirants find it hard to overcome the mental stress encountered after facing failures in their way to a destination or aim. Some of them try to conceal their mistakes and blames their fate or other people for their failures. Blaming will gain you nothing but eradicating your mistakes do.

 “An aimless life is like an inkless pen”

These few words have defined the importance of ambition in life. Some people contradict aim with wealth. But wealth is for greed as ambition is for winners. Selecting your aim need some time to decide whether you are fit for it or not. If the conclusion turns out as YES, then find out ways to achieve it and choose the one which is suitable for you. Work hard and give your best. Here the term ‘work Hard does not mean blind approach. It means approaching aim smartly and working according to the plan and requirements.

Ones your aim is targeted, there will be several instances, when you will see yourself standing on a dead end and you find it hard to either leave the way and go back to choose another destination or to stop there. Don’t stop there, there is always a way ahead, the only thing you need is ‘WILL’ to achieve your aim. The dead end is nothing but just a thought that appears when you face a stroke of hard situations.

Failure not only means a failed attempt toward your aim, but it also defines your mistakes, shortcomings and drawbacks that you possess. It depends on you, whether you opt mental stress or go deep into those mistakes and find out the ways to overcome them. Failures and mistakes never mean that you should stop, but they mean that you must rise up and fight against them.Short-Distance-Between-Ambition-And-You

A thirsty man can only enjoy the taste of water; in the same way, the cost of success is only felt by one who have tasted the failures. Rise up, gear up yourself, focus and find an alternate of it.  Follow it, stay ready to face hurdles and finally you will find yourself on the zenith. And those tears of achieving success are priceless for an aspirant and that moment becomes the memorable and a remarkable moment of your entire life.

So never be afraid of failures or fall downs. They are meant to make you strong and tough and making you suitable for your destination. Prepare yourself to face all kinds of circumstances and set up your mind to redirect to your aim at every moment. A single stroke on target effects more than thousand weak strokes. Overcome your failures, but don’t let them to overcome you

Always remember,

Pain and failures are temporary. These will remain for a minute, a day a month or a year, but if you quite, these will remain for your entire life.”


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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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