Hi everyone! I am Manuj Trivedi from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.I decided to share my SSB experience with you all because it made me learn so many things about myself.I hope whosoever dreams of a life that I dream of, will get help from my experience.I will also write some things that I genuinely feel are necessary.
So, like most of you, I wasn’t a lucky soul to get through ssb in first attempt.I was conference out from Coimbatore in my first attempt and then conference out from Allahabad in second attempt.There was this thought in my mind that ‘Do I have not ‘THAT’ in me?’.This particular thought was put down by my conscience which constantly was saying that, yes! I will get through.
I was always advised to attend coaching but I did things in my own way and never joined any coachings for SSB and I was glad that my decision actually helped me at last. Being conferenced out two times, I was pretty much bored of the process and I told my mother that this time I’ll either get screened out or I’ll come recommended.
So, my journey started. I had to report on 29 April to MCO, Allahabad.I purchased a general ticket from Kanpur Anwarganj to Allahabad and reached Allahabad at 11 p.m on 28th. I stayed in a lodge that night and I noticed that my body temperature had risen or I had fever, when I went to sleep.
Next morning, I rushed to the railway station from where we were picked up by a bus and we landed in our so called Rejection center. I remembered my depressed face last time and wondered what was there to happen this time.
I already had fever so I was standing like the most dull person on Earth who knew about the long formalities and briefing by JCO.Finally, it came to end and we were made to sit in Vikram Batra hall and were given chest numbers.I was chest no -220.It was the time for verbal and non verbal reasoning tests and we were given booklets.I tried my best and I felt that I couldn’t do much but I didn’t care as I was bored of it.Then came our Picture Perception and Description Test and I finished writing a story as soon as I could.Unlike last two times, this time I was having fun with whomsoever I could.We were sitting in the hall laughing and talking and not caring about what was going to happen because I felt this was my key trait.
Soon we were in the GD room which was a room full of chaos, as our group only consisted of repeaters and everyone was eager to put their point.I was at the corner which made the situation even worse for me but I managed to speak ‘one’ time although I felt my narration was good as after the GD some of boys appreciated my way of speaking.
It was result time and as expected I was screened in among 26 candidates from a total of 282 people.This time I got the chest no 17 which was similar to last time so I looked at it very seriously and wondered it might be lucky this time.We finished the formalities that day and I filled my PIQ.We went to 14 SSB candidate line and I felt ‘Tiger Hill’ was going to get lucky for me.We all were unknown to each other and everyone was tired so no one talked much and we slept.
2nd day was all about psychology and being an experienced candidate I was there looking at the same board as last time and wondering what images would flash.I was constantly avoiding fever that I had and it was going worse, however it made me calm I guess.My brain was like an empty vessel and I had decided I’ll write whatever comes to my mind.TAT began and pictures started flashing, one after the other and so on for 11 times followed by blank picture 12th time and it got over. I wrote reactionary stories mostly depicting my personality in different situations.This test was followed by WAT and SRT.I made sentences of 56 words and provided solution to only 35 situations.The last test called Self Description Test is an important part of psychology and it should match with the stories you wrote in TAT, sentences you wrote in WAT and your reactions to situations in SRT.I never prepare for SDT rather I decide then and there what I have to write and I wrote about who I am, the way I am and my social adaptability and attitude and the tests were over.Coming out of the hall, I realised my knees were week that I wasn’t even able to walk.Somehow I reached candidate line and other candidates saw me lying unconsciously.I was immediately told to go to MI room.Shocking it was, I was put in the truck and taken to MH Allahabad to get admitted due to my condition. I was relieved when they didn’t admit me but told me to take rest and I was taken back.Sir in the MI room told me to go back and I called my mother and her words were “Vapas ni ana hai”!!.She said maybe this is the time you’ll make it and her words actually gave me lot of strength and I decided I’ll not quit.Luckily, I didn’t have personal interview that day.
Although I was low in voice and strength due to last two days but I was high in spirits.We were taken to fields and we were informed that we have to do two successive group discussions first.I tried to put some important points in GD and let the ‘most passionate ones’ speak.After GD, we had GPE and I wrote a good solution although it was not welcomed by everyone and we couldn’t agree.Then we had PGT and HGT which were quite challenging and I kept helping others and thinking about everything I could do to cross obstacles.We performed average and then we had Group Obstacle Race which filled everyone with enthusiasm.I kept helping others and took care of the snake and we ended up at the 2nd postition.We all were tired and it was the time for lecturette task which made everyone nervous. I chose Education System in India and kept defining about education all the three minutes.Way of speaking and confidence counts.
This day was special to me because I made friends there.We were having fun talking about tasks and did a bit of leg pulling, it really helps you in Ssb if you take things not too much seriously and so it helped me.I had interview same day.
Personal Interview
I had not planned what I had to speak, I was just remembering what I wrote in SDT and suddenly my chest no flashed in screen and I went in.President of the board took my interview and he started asking me about my lecturette and seemed pretty impressed when I repeated what I spoke in lecturette.Then there were questions related to best friend, family and personal life.Some capitals to check my general awareness and about ISIS.It lasted for 25 minutes and I could feel that this time I had made it.
Next day we had our individual Obstacle task in which I completed 9 Obstacles. I couldn’t complete my command task as it was really tricky and FGT at the end went good enough.We got back.We had already given up eating in mess so we used to gather in Oliver Green cafe and ate paneer all three days. It brought us close to each other and it helped me to stay calm and give my best.We used to laugh, click photos and enjoy each and every moment.
Next day it was time for conference.When my turn came up I went inside and president smiled and told me to sit down and began asking about what I will do if I not get recommended, I told him I would concentrate over my career in civil services, to this he said let’s say you do not get successful in that also then what will you do, I replied that I would start teaching. I encountered his questions with one or the other reply and then he said I could leave.I came out and I was feeling it.
Tests were over and so was the SSB.Everyone was predicting about who will get recommended and all.We were sitting there, hearts were beating loud.Officer came and briefed us that he was going to call out the chest number.He said chest no 5 chest no 16 chest no 17 and chest no 21.I stood up,the only thing that made me happy at that time was the thought of my ma and papa.I literally wanted to jump high but we had to stand putting our hands back.That moment is the best moment of my life till now and I couldn’t imagine myself among the recommended candidates.
Merit and Medical
In merit, I got AIR-47 but I ended up getting declared unfit in medical tests so I couldn’t join OTA this time.
My only advice to all the aspiring candidates is not to seek any advice. When you get into SSB,try to stay as calm as you can and the key is to never cram your emotions, be as imaginative and clear as you can ,this can only happen when when you are a happy and a content person. Balance your passion so that you are not totally depent on one thing is life, keeping options is always a good option itself. Be responsible and ready to take up challenges.
Obviously, I did not feel good that I had lost such an opportunity after going so far but this is life all about and all we can do is to keep on trying.I can’t get broken and complain about it.Complaining should not be the part of anyone’s attitude towards problems and that is what I want to tell you all.
These things and a positive atitude will help you to unwind this mystery.