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Indian ArmyPetition: Include equivalent streams of engineering for consideration in TGC 123

Petition: Include equivalent streams of engineering for consideration in TGC 123

TGC-123 course was notified on September 26th 2015. But unlike the previous notifications, this did not include the equivalent streams which were considered earlier for application. All the equivalent streams are AICTE approved. But now they have removed that clause and also have mentioned that no equivalency if streams will be applicable. This for many is a last chance to appear for SSB interview and this should not be taken away merely because of non inclusion of a clause. I urge all the defence aspirants who are working day and night to improve themselves, to clear the exams, to get recommended by the SSBs to come forward and sign this petition. A precious chance will be not available to thousands if this goes unheard and unsigned. Please pass on this message to your friends, co-aspirants, teachers, officers of the forces and ask them to sign this petition for a cause, a cause which will make dreams of many come true.


Petition Include equivalent streams of engineering for consideration in TGC 123

Jai Hind.

Additional Directorate General of Recruiting, MoD
Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army
The President of India
Include equivalent streams of engineering for consideration in TGC 123

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  1. What is the sense [ a exam what is based on graduation qualification ] in restricting those aspirants who don’t have 60% marks in their physics and math in 12th standard ? Have they had any sensible answer ?

  2. very good. but why didn’t do anything when Navy has restricted B.A. graduates for all type entries in it since last year ?


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