
Is Backlog Allowed in AFCAT and AFSB Interview 2016

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Is Backlog Allowed in AFCAT and AFSB Interview

Dear aspirants as these are frequently asked questions by the defence aspirants, especially candidates who are applying for the AFCAT written test and AFSB interview, we are going to cover these backlog and percentage related questions for AFCAT and AFSB interview. In this article, we are going to clear the doubts of candidates regarding the backlog allowed in AFCAT and AFSB interview or not.

As per the latest AFCAT notification “Candidates should not have any present backlog and should have secured a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together up to the last semester / year for which results have been declared at the time of online submission and at the time of SSB

Q. Can I apply for AFCAT with a present backlog?

  • Technically you are not allowed to apply for AFCAT if you have a current backlog, but there is another scenario about which we will talk below.

Q. I have written Backlog exam but haven’t got the result, am I eligible for AFCAT exam and AFSB interview?

  • This is the same case as above, without the result, you are considered with a backlog only. But, if you know till when you will get the result of backlog exam, you could delay your AFSB interview accordingly and wait for your written result and attend the SSB interview.

Q. I had a backlog but I have cleared it and I have the certificate for the same?

  • You are eligible if you have scored minimum 60% aggregate in all papers put together till the last semester for which you got the result and don’t have any backlog.Is Backlog Allowed in AFCAT and AFSB Interview

Q. I have not received my last year mark sheet, how can I submit the docs?

  • If you haven’t got the original mark sheet of any year, take an online result print out and attest it from your college head like Dean or Principle. Also, write an application regarding the same and get it signed by your college principle.

Q. I have cleared AFCAT but I don’t have 60%/ I have a backlog?

  • You are not eligible and you will be returned from the AFSB interview after the documents check.

Q. I have 60% aggregate but I have not counted the additional subject?

  • No, this is one of the biggest mistakes, you have to count each and every subject printed on your mark sheet to calculate the aggregate percentage, even though your university doesn’t count it but Airforce wants  you to add the marks of those subjects to calculate your aggregate percentage. So if you are going below 60% after adding all subjects, you are not eligible.

Q. I have a backlog/ less than 60% but I am sure before AFSB interview will get the result of it and I will clear my backlog with more than 60%.

  • In this case, you can apply for AFCAT and try your luck.

If you have any more questions do post them in the comment section below. We wish you more success in  upcoming AFCAT exams and AFSB interview.

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6 thoughts on “Is Backlog Allowed in AFCAT and AFSB Interview 2016”

  1. I have a current backlog but AFCAT 2 2020 exam is in september .I am sure that I will clear my backlog till sepetember before exam.So can I enter no backlogs in the AFCAT application and proceed?Will The backlogs be checked during exam or only during interview?

  2. I have one backlog and i know it will be cleared before the AFSB, can I apply even though the application says “you are not eligible” if I select yes for backlog and is this case confirmed by anyone .

  3. Yes I hv a doubt
    Regarding last query u hv posted in blog
    So wht % we hv to write
    And if we get 65%
    Then in ssb they will put some questions lyk this earlier in applications u wrote 60% now u r saying u got 65%


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