
How To Select Right Date and Venue For AFSB Interview 2018

By SSBCrack

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Most of the candidates who have qualified the AFCAT written exam are now required to select their AFSB interview centre and AFSB interview date. There are few points which you should keep in mind while selecting AFSB interview venue and date.

How To Select AFCAT AFSB Interview Date and Venue


AFSB Interview Venue | Which AFSB To Choose?

  • Many candidates are asking which is the best AFSB centre for AFSB interview, surprisingly candidates are thinking that their performance and selection depend on AFSB centre they choose. Not to forget, your performance in SSB / AFSB interview totally depends on how you performance during 5 days interview.
  • The best AFSB centre for you is the nearest AFSB venue from your location. Do not select AFSB Mysore if you are living in Delhi, you could go with Varanasi or Dehradun. This is so kind of IAF that they have given the choice of selecting the AFSB centre, so utilize it. Candidates who have applied only for Flying Branch are to select 1 AFSB (Dehradun), 2 AFSB (Mysore) or 4 AFSB (Varanasi) as their AFSB centre.
  • In case you have been screened out or conference out from an AFSB centre many times and you think that change of AFSB centre might help you, then go ahead and choose a different AFSB center this time.AFSB Center

AFSB Interview Date | How to select AFSB Date?

  • Once you have decided which AFSB centre you are going to attend for your AFSB interview, check out the available dates for the respected centre.
  • You could see that each date has limited number of seats and which are allotted on first come first serve basis. So if you have already made your mind that you want to attend AFSB interview on a particular date, go ahead and book it.
  • If you are not sure, then you should at least take one month for AFSB interview preparation and join a good coaching academy or whatever you think is best for your preparation. There is no point in attending SSB interview without any preparation.
  • Make sure you check the reservation like bus, railway or flight ticket before selecting AFSB interview date. You should also make sure you are getting tickets for the same day, else your journey won’t be good as it should be.
  • If you have friends who are also attending the AFSB interview, it is always good to attend the AFSB at the same time, so make sure you discuss it with your friends and select the same date for AFSB interview.

AFSB Interview Venue

  • 1 AFSB Dehradun
  • 2 AFSB Mysore
  • 3 AFSB Gandhinagar
  • 4 AFSB Varanasi
  • 5 AFSB Kanchrapara


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