
5 Best Books For AFSB Interview Preparation

By SSBCrack

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Today we will check the best books for AFSB interview preparation that will help you gain confidence and prepare better for your upcoming Air Force Selection Board interviews. AFSB is a five to six day process in which various tasks are held to judge you from all aspect. Your personality, psychology, and physical fitness are tested during these days and so is your ability to perform in a group, group spirit, and leadership qualities.

To crack SSB interview,  recommend you to get “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” book from Amazon.

Since AFSB is a process where you are put under pressure and hence only the real you come out. So you have to be genuine. Also the AFSB people are searching for the best and most suitable fit for an officer hence your selection depends on whether or not you have Officer Like Qualities (OLQ’s). Let us see now what exactly the process of AFSB is.

Which is the Best Book for AFSB Interview Preparation?

1. Let’s Crack SSB Interview by SSBCrack.com

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One of the most comprehensive and detailed books for SSB interview preparation is Let’s Crack SSB Interview. More than a million copies are sold now, this book was first published in 2015 and came out to be the most to-the-point book for SSB interview preparation which broke many myths about the SSB interview. This book is an insight into the procedure adapted at Service Selection Boards, for the selection into the Indian Armed Forces. Certainly, if you are reading this, you, or somebody you know, is an Armed Forces’ aspirant. Pick this one, and we promise you won’t regret buying it. This book is unique in many ways. Right from defining the procedure of SSB interview in a different manner, to having exclusive articles, contents and points related to Armed Forces. The book will in all possible ways, guide you in the right direction of glory.

2. Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests [Book]

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This book is ideal for people who aspire to pass the psychology tests in SSB interview with flying colors. There are a number of different tests to be covered at each step-in order to clear the psychology test. This book will help you at every level, using the simplest language that is easy to understand and work with. The workflow of the content in this book is such that it caters to even the most novice candidates who are not very well versed with these psychological tests. All thanks to the well-structured outlined methods, it becomes easy for the aspirants to grasp the knowledge imparted. In another light, this book acts as a personality development manual. It has been put together after compiling experiences gathered from different SSB tests. Add to that, the feedback received from recommended candidates and SSB assessors. It presents to you with the perfect set of tools that are required in shaping up your personality for the Armed Forces.

This is just not a book that tells you how to behave in Psychological tests. Instead, it sheds light on your existing personality and choices and provides you inputs with what can be incorporated in it. What does the book contain? It starts with a description of the Services Selection Board and what one can expect at these interviews. The testing procedures are divided into three parts: Screening, psychological testing, interview testing and group testing. While this book is mainly focused on psychological testing procedure contains TAT, WAT, SRT and SD. Each such test is described in details with suggestions on how to deal with these situations. In this book you will read many examples of TAT, WAT, SRT and SD, like always we suggest our readers that these examples are to help you to understand how to deal correctly with these tests so avoid mugging up the same responses.

3. OIR Test & PPDT – SSB Interview Screening Test – Stage 1 Testing

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This book by SSBCrack is another evidence of efforts by our authors to provide quality guidance to the ssb aspirants. This book by SSBCrack was started with the purpose to be a torchbearer for the defence aspirants by introducing them to the concepts and testing procedures of stage 1 or screening tests I.E. OIR Test and PPDT. Our books have been known to guide and provide a comprehensive and detailed outlook about the ssb testing procedure that takes place at the services selection board. It is quite evident by the stage 1 rejection ratio of the SSB interviews that most of the defence aspirants are still trying to figure out the in-depth analysis of screening stage testing. This book will cover all the facets of the testing done at the SSB Interview during day 1 and will introduce you to the concepts and significance of all the tests in a way never told before. The context of the book is all in alignment with a comprehensive and methodological approach with regard to the stage 1 testing also known as the screening test. This book has been written in a way that caters to the interests of a fresher as well as that of a repeater candidate as it not only covers the requirements and to-be-done things from the perspective of a candidate but also covers all the avenues of the stage 1 testing in individual parts such as story writing, narration and group discussion. The book steals the perspective from the eyes of a candidate and presents you with the aim to reconnect it in a similar way. The picture perception and discussion test is also known as ppdt is covered in its entirety and has left nothing for the aspirants to dwell upon later.

Olive Squad Mugs


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