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SSB InterviewTipsReply From A Recommended Candidate To “An Open Letter To The...

Reply From A Recommended Candidate To “An Open Letter To The SSB Boards”

Dear all, with pride and honor I take the opportunity to write an individual note for the above subject. Thanks to SSBCRACK for posting two of my articles earlier.  It is understood that it takes a herculean task with paramount efficiency to hear the Chest no on the final day of the result. Yes, about the recommendation and then being in merit. As the content of the post on “An open letter to the SSB Boards” throws light on the changes needed to be inculcated, I would like to share my views.


Be it the danger in future or the danger at  present, the calculative ability of the Hierarchical officials in the defense is beyond remarkability. They absolutely work without any  comprises in quality. There must be a reason as to  why  the competency for the SSB is so tough, carrying a ratio of 1:600(approx.). Moreover, there are so many batches from where  no one gets recommended. So it’s clear that despite the fact that there is shortage in the number of officers, the quality expectations  will never be compromised.

Right fit defines the performance i.e right performance at right moment, for as far as we know, it isn’t all about the personality but it is all about how we score in those 5 days at the different stages. Scores matter which bears a direct proportionality with the performance at that moment (irrespective of the fact whether one has been previously recommended or not).

Lets consider an example, A guy comes first in class at one term but fails at the other term. How can his personality or studious ability change in a matter of a term? Surprising, ain’t it. Buts its true and therefore he fails. Achievements should always be celebrated and made history.

The point is “Once a performer should always be a performer”. I know my view will contradict many, hurt sentiments too, but whats the point of wasting time in these thoughts.It is the truth which cannot be denied. I personally have examples as friends who have been earlier recommended for NDA, but stood out merit. Nevertheless after 4 years of engineering they got recommended again and are now officers.An Open Letter To The SSB Boards

So instead, be cool, try to introspect not in mind but in pen and paper as to what went wrong. Many proceed to the SSB with an intention or dream to get recommended, but very few ponder on what actually needs to be done in the tasks. Like, say practice writing short stories with an optimistic vision , building some lecture skills or public speaking skills. So proceed to the SSB with a thought that, this is my last ssb and give your true 100 percent. Routinely practice writing great thought based stanzas to enhance your mind towards good thinking. It does make a difference Gentlemen. The sole power to achieve anything begins with an optimistic seed. So let’s not suggest people about the changes what needs to be done and instead upgrade ourselves to that extent , where they will not have a ground to reject you. Unleash thyself to the power of infinity. Remember, Every great dream begins with a great dreamer so reach high for the stars are there in your soul. Take a pledge today that I shall perform as if it is my last performance and will devote all my mind and be focused on the task , than being focused at the rewards. Good luck Gentleman and thank u once again SSBCRACK


Sajal roy

Recommended (SSC T43 Entry Indian Army, First attempt with Merit)

Here are my previous two posts for which I owe a debt of gratitude to SSBCRACK

  1. https://ssbcrack.com/2015/05/recommended-by-the-indian-army-from-ssb-bhopal.html
  2. https://ssbcrack.com/2015/05/in-conversation-with-sajal-roy-recommended-for-indian-army.htm

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  1. Fabulous
    same words I was trying to convey in my comment to the open letter..
    just I would like to contradict on a small thing that do write long TAT stories rather then short stories ….as more actns u mention,better is ur imagination power and qualities…instead do write short term goal oriented stories…
    nyc reply dude….


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