
Physical And Medical Standards For Indian Army Soldier

By SSBCrack

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Indian army medical physical soldier

Indian Army offers a brilliant career to soldiers. Every year as many as 30-35 lakh candidates take part in army recruitment rally / Bharti to join Indian army as a soldier. Which offers role of a leader, opportunities full of diverse challenges, a distinctive career to serve the nation, handsome salary, adventure, sports, altruism, sacrifice and no end to this. In this article, we are going to talk about physical and medical eligibility required to join Indian army as a soldier/ jawan.

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  1. A candidate should have robust physical and mental health to join Indian Army as a soldier.
  1. He must be fit enough to undergo the stress and strain of military training and service.

Physical Standards:

  1. Height: Check here
  2. Weight: Minimum 50 Kgs.
  3. Chest: 77 cm unexpanded with 5 cm expansion. Chest should be well formed.Indian army medical physical soldier

Medical Standards:

  1. Individual should be physically well developed. Skin should be blemish free and should not have tattoos on any body part other than inner side of forearm and back of hand. They should be small and can be of religious nature. Scars if large are not permissible.
  2. Speech should be clear and normal.
  3. No bony deformities like chest wall deformities, Elbow deformities, Finger deformities Knock Knee, Bowlegs and deformities of feet and toes should be present.
  4. Adequate number of teeth should be present with healthy gums.
  5. Artificial dentures are not allowed.
  6. Vision should be 6/6 Both Eyes for Soldier Infantry, with CP II grade colour Vision. Visual standards can be up to 6/12 one eye for other trades like Soldier Technical, Clerks etc. Corrective spectacles are permitted with opinion of Eye Specialist.
  7. Hearing should be normal in each ear and there should not be any wax in the ears. There should not be any discharge from the ears. Nose should not be deformed.
  8. Chest should be expanding equally on both sides without deformity. Pulse and BP should be within normal limits. Lungs should be clear. Cardiac Murmurs are not permitted.
  9. No liver or spleen enlargement should be present in the abdomen. Hernia, Hydrocele, Varicocele or Piles should not be there.

Read : How To Join Indian Army As A Soldier, Havildar and JCO

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1 thought on “Physical And Medical Standards For Indian Army Soldier”

  1. Sir, can you please tell me can I join the army…
    If my eye sides are left – 6/9 and right – 6/18..
    Can you please tell me.. can I join the army as soilder.. in technical or skt or clerk..
    After Lasik surgery


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