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Written ExamsAFCATIAF AFCAT 2 2015 Cut Off, Merit List, Answer Keys, Result, SSB...

IAF AFCAT 2 2015 Cut Off, Merit List, Answer Keys, Result, SSB Interview

AFCAT 2 2015 is the latest talk of the town, with the completion of Indian air force AFCAT 2 2015 exam and EKT 2015 exam, candidates are now looking for various information like AFCAT 2 2015 cut off, merit list, answer keys, AFCAT result and AFCAT SSB/AFSB Interview date.

AFCAT 2 2015 Cut Off Marks


Candidates can check the official AFCAT 2 2015 cut off marks online at www.careerairforce.nic.in along with their AFCAT 2 2015 marks and EKT 2 2015 marks. As per the last AFCAT 2015 cut off marks, we are expecting the cut off marks of AFCAT 2 2015 would be around 125- 130 marks. Candidates with correct 55-60 questions and above would be able to clear the AFCAT 2 2015 written exam.

To get more details check: 

AFCAT 2 2015 Answer Keys

SSBCrack.com is trying hard to get the correct keys for AFCAT 2 2015 and EKT 2 2015 for all sets and booklets. Candidates can visit this page for correct answer keys of AFCAT 2 2015, we will be updating the full answer keys soon at the link given below.

AFCAT 2 2015 Results

AFCAT result will be published soon within a month. We are expecting that AFCAT 2 2015 result will be announced in the 2nd week of Oct 2015. To get the more details on AFCAT 2 2015 results follow the link below.

AFCAT 2 2015 SSB AFSB Interview Date

Once the Result of AFCAT 2 2015 is published, successful candidates are required to login in the portal and select their AFSB centre and AFSB / SSB Interview dates. Once done, you are can generate your AFSB interview call letter. You have to report your allotted AFSB on the day of reporting as mentioned on your AFSB interview call letter. Candidates are required to select their centre online at www.careerairforce.nic.in and if you fail to do so within the given time, the system will assign you an AFSB centre and SSB Interview date randomly. For more details on AFSB Interview and AFSB Interview Date, follow the links below.

AFCAT merit list cut off answer key ssb date result

AFCAT 2 2015 Merit List
AFCAT 2 2015 merit list will be coming in December one month before the date of course commencement. Candidates who will clear the AFSB interview of AFCAT 2 2015 and then the medical exams will be listed on the merit. Clearing AFSB SSB interview and medical test won’t guarantee the selection for the training, as we have seen in the merit list of AFCAT 1 2015, only 100 some candidates got merit in out of more than 300 recommended candidates. So the competition is tough, what matters is your performance in AFCAT written exam and AFSB interview. You can check the AFCAT 2 2015 Merit List below:

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