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Written ExamsNDA ExamFinal Moment Preparations For NDA Exam

Final Moment Preparations For NDA Exam

Hello, Warriors! With the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Exam nearing its date, aspirants are still less confident over their preparedness and are asking tips to prepare in this final moment. As I had made it very clear in my previous articles too that being consistent is the only key to success and success doesn’t come overnight, this holds true here too.


Starting preparations for the NDA exam now is a real worse idea. You will only end up cramming and memorizing the formulae and dates at last. Remember, being Chatur the Silencer doesn’t help everywhere and this is a place where the selection chances of you are 1 in about 2000 applicants.

So whether you have prepared well for the exam or not, here are some tips to tackle those questions and try your luck in the exam:

  1. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT start a new topic now. It’ll only confuse you more and will affect your self confidence which is actually worse than not clearing your exam.
  2. Practice previous years question papers as many as possible. Throw everything you have and grab as many solved question papers as you can. Many questions in the exam are repeated with the values changed or are of the same kind as previously asked. So solving the question papers will not only make you solve the most probable questions but will also make you feel confident about your exam.
  3. Bunk/Skip/Miss you schools/colleges or any institutions. Come on, only for about these coming 10 days! Decide on what is more important to you in the following life: NDA or about 10 days of your normal studies which you can cover up later?
  4. Say no to combined/group studies. If in case, you have a friend who is well prepared and has the courage to mentor you while continuing his studies, I’d say go for it. He can not only make your question paper solving easier but will also save much of your time by providing to-the-point tips. If all of your friend aspirants are on the same train and are not well prepared now, do not approach them for help. This will make you and your friend less confident about the exam.
  5. Sleep well. You might, by now have understood the importance of sleeping well by my stressing on it. Sleep deprivation has shown to have major impacts on health. Just one week with less than six hours of sleep each night leads to 711 changes in how genes function. Don’t try to be a book worm reading the whole night. The best window to sleep is from 10 in the night to 4 in the morning. Do take a short nap or two of about 20 minutes in the middle of the day.NDA exam preparation
  6. Choose a place which is free from any disturbance and is quiet, for your preparations. A place from where all of your books/items are accessible is the most ideal place. Study for 50 minutes and take a break for 10 minutes. Sit upright, follow the 50-10 principle for three cycles (about 3 hours) and the take a long break of about 30 mins to 1 hour after that. Do not even touch your books in the break time. Utilize the time for your meal and entertainment.
  7. Study for at least 15-18 hours daily. This could mean that you can brush up about 3 question papers by the time its time for bed. And daily 3 question paper would mean about 30 question papers for next 10 days. Believe me, it’s more preparation than enough.

Following these tips would not guarantee your success in the NDA exam but will for sure make you feel much more confident while attempting it, and confidence is everything. Believe in yourselves. Say to yoursleves that ‘Yes I can, and I will. Just an exam can’t block my way to the forces’.

Finally, in the last one-two days of exam, revise everything you had prepared and go to the exam centre with just a pen, your hall ticket and all the blessings of your parents and the god.

Good Luck, do well!

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