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PsychologySituation Reaction Test8 Smart Tips To Attempt Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

8 Smart Tips To Attempt Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Hello, Warriors! Clearing SSB is a big achievement for defence aspirants. The five day selection procedure consists of various stages and tests. Situation reaction test is conducted on Day-2, second stage of SSB selection. It is the third test in the series of psychological tests, after TAT and WAT. It is important to know that SRT is conducted immediately after the WAT. There is a gap of only 10 minutes between the two tests.


In SRT, candidates responds according to the daily life problem which he/she may encounter. The way the response comes from a candidate shows his common sense, time sense, reasoning ability, maturity and empathy. The major quality assessed here is the decision making ability.

Before passing on the tips on how to attempt the SRT ideally, here’s what SRT is:

SRT consists of 60 routine life situations regarding day to day situations. All the 60 day to day situations/activities are printed in a booklet which are distributed to the candidates before the test commences. The candidates are asked to write his reaction by completing the sentences, as to how they would feel, think and act in these situations.

The responses are supposed to be written in a separate answer sheet provided by the SSB for the same purpose. Total of 30 minutes are allotted to write the responses for 60 situations, i.e., around 30 seconds for every situation.

Here are the tips which could prove to be very useful in clearing all the 60 situations easily within 30 minutes:

  1. Practising lot and with a focus is the foremost essence of this test.
  2. When you see the situation on the paper, write whatever comes to mind, but it should make sense.
  3. Do not make a long explanation because it is time consuming.8 Smart Tips To Attempt Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Remember, you have only 30 seconds; write short and to the point. e.g. for SRT ‘He saw a snake entering into someone’s house. He…’ you can write ‘divert its attention with a stick and alarm the people inside the house’ instead of ‘He took a stick and started to beat it to divert its attention and alarmed the people inside the house.’

  1. Give a positive and a meaningful reaction.
  2. Though uncommon situations are presented, try to make a meaningful conclusion/reaction because it reveals that you are capable of handling any situation.
  3. If you find that a situation is repeated in another form, then give the reaction differently but see it is not contradictory to the previous reaction.
  4. Do not make a irresponsible reaction, in other words, do not merely react to the situation. Let your reactions be filled with responsibility.
  5. Do not make the sentences incomplete; at the same time the sentence preferably should be short to manage time.

Practise with these tips handy and SRT will become a child’s play. Hope these tips would help you to prepare for the SRT in upcoming SSBs. If you have any queries or doubts, message me on fb through the link below.

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