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SSB InterviewTips7 Brutal Mistakes That Can Kill Your Chances At SSB Interview

7 Brutal Mistakes That Can Kill Your Chances At SSB Interview

Humans make mistakes. While some can be corrected and rectified, with some it is not possible to do so. In SSB every candidate goes with a wish and dream of getting selected and becoming an officer in the Armed Forces. Little do they know that a small mistake can turn out to be brutal and hamper their chances of getting selected. Let us discuss these mistakes in detail:



  1. Being dishonest: Honesty is the best policy and the least practiced virtue. Candidates say if honesty is what they want, then why don’t mention it in OLQ’s. But honesty is something very cardinal, it has to be there. If you think you can fool around with them and get away, you are in trouble my friend. Do not lie in the PIQ or in the interview. Portray your own personality in the Psychological tests.
  2. Poor self-introspection: It is easy to analyze and comment on others, however it is very difficult to analyze your own self and know yourself. Half of the battle is won when you know yourself fully. Introspect yourself, find out your strengths, weaknesses and other virtues. Find out the OLQ’s you have and which you don’t have. Look for a way to increase your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
  3. Lack of surrounding knowledge: As a responsible and sincere person, you must know about your friends, your family members etc. If you don’t know that, it shows that you are careless in nature. An officer can not afford to be careless. So make sure you know about the strengths, weaknesses, profession etc, of your friends and family.
  4. Confidence issues: For being successful, you need to have optimal confidence. Having too much confidence will make you arrogant and careless and having lack of confidence will hold you back.
  5. Being someone else: Reading others answers and taking their views is a good way to prepare and know about the approach to attend SSB. However writing pre-conceived ideas in your papers, shows nothing about your real personality and in fact shows a lack of imagination. Be yourself.7 Brutal Mistakes That Can Kill Your Chances At SSB Interview
  6. Negative attitude: Assuming a sad face in TAT to be death, associating war in WAT will killing and death shows a morbid attitude. Avoid being negative. Don’t be cynical about your success or failure. Give your best and enjoy the process with a positive and open mind. Let events take their course.
  7. Being Critical about the procedure: You have gone there to become a part of them. No matter how many times you have tasted the bitter taste of defeat, but still you are trying, that means you want to be a part of them. Being overtly critical about the process develops a rage inside you. And it leaves you blind to see and analyze things. So you’ll feel even the right things to be against you.

Avoid these mistakes and prepare well. Success is not far away. Good luck

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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