Hello, Warriors! With the NDA exam nearing it’s date, aspirants are asking me about tips to do well in exams. Let me make it clear that there is nothing like magically passing in objective exams, although you can check my article on making educated guesses in objective papers to control the do or die situation.
Here are the tips which will help you do well in your upcoming NDA exam:
- Don’t panic, as it will make the situation worse. Revise your notes on the night before the exam and in the morning.
- Make your own reviewer. Write your keywords in every topic and use different colors of ink for easy recognition.
- Eat a healthy. Healthy food will give you the required energy to prepare for your exams.
- Have a good night’s sleep and go by the tips to remember formulae in my article on A Good Night’s Sleep and SSB Interview.
- Start your preparations well in advance, don’t wait until a week before the test to start. You gain less by studying at the last minute. Best book is Pathfinder of NDA and NA for this purpose.
- Make your study notes at least two weeks before the exam. This allows you plenty of time to revise and practice sample papers.
- Solve previous year exam papers. It will help you revise better.
- Avoid taking stress, all it will do is hinder your exam preparations.
- Adopt creative methods of memorizing related information using numbers, acronyms, mnemonic poems, wild stories and outlandish mental pictures to truly bring the material alive in a virtually unforgettable way. This will help in memorizing history dates and maths formulae.
- Have a balance in life, exams are simply a quick and lazy way to assess people and filter the bogus applicants. Don’t panic, just study. Tell yourself that “I have it in me.”
- Develop a positive attitude towards exams. If you are well prepared you’ll walk into the exam room thinking “WOW! I can’t wait to prove myself to these examiners, I’m gonna Ace this test, just to show them.” Negative attitude: “Oooh, I’m so nervous. I hate exams; what’s the point? I really don’t feel up to this”. Avoid this.
- Ever heard this? “Good luck with your exam!” This is a false hope, you shouldn’t need a pint of luck to help you succeed, and if you DO need good luck, then you obviously haven’t prepared enough.
- During the exam, avoid blanks. Try as hard as you can to make an intelligent guess. Take the closest answer but remember not to take too much of your time answering one item. Go back and review your answers after you finish the exam, if you still have time. For more on this, check my article on Making Educated Guesses in Objective Tests.
- Don’t waste valuable opportunities to better yourself by being lazy!
- Always have a positive attitude. Prepare for the worst and expect the best!
- Be relentlessly confident in yourself and your abilities!
NDA Online Coaching
Finally, believe in yourself. If you believe you can, then you definitely will. Starting now is also not late.
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