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CoachingNew Careers Academy For SSB Interview Training/Coaching

New Careers Academy For SSB Interview Training/Coaching

New Careers Academy  India’s leading institute for NDA/CDS/AFCAT/T.A./ACC Written as well as S.S.B. Interview. New Careers Academy has been producing talent for the Indian armed forces for the past 48 years. It was founded by late Lt. COL. HS DHALIWAL in the year 1967 nurturing thousands of young boys and girls to join the Indian Armed as Officers. The academy is located in Mohali/Chandigarh with Capt NS Dhaliwal (Retd.) at the helm and can boast of outstanding result both in the NDA/ CDS/ OTA/ AFCAT/ TA/ CAPF(AC) and ACC written examination coaching exams and the SSB INTERVIEWS (TES, UES, TGC, ACC, SCC, PC(SL),CW, SD, HET, F(P), GDOC, TA, JAG and NCC C certificate candidates for all wings.PABT results are also worth  admiration. The team of instructors consists of illustrious members who have the experience and mettle. the training is imparted in a boast informal and systematic way so as to enhance the level of comprehension of the candidate.

Written Exam – the entire syllabus is covered by the staff written a period of one month with 8 hours of teaching each day. No holidays are observed during the complete training. nights classes at the hostel ensure that the students arctic their assignments and clarify their doubts.We guarantee  selection to  any candidate who is scoring 40% + in our papers. Only centre where the director and the principal are also teaching.

SSB TRAINING – Under the expert guidance and  supervision of ex-army officers both outdoor and indoor  training is imparted to the students. Various trainings aids are  used to make the training fruitful. Each candidate is attended is personally so as to eliminate any doubts in his mind the training taste 10 days during which compete transformation of the candidate from raw individual into acceptable candidates at the SSB in carried out. We make sure 2 Personal Interviews are carried out for the candidates, so they are at ease at the S.S.B’s.New Careers Academy

The New Careers Academy is a stepping stone for ushering the candidates to the pass of success in going the Indian armed forces as an officer. join us today and grab the career that you have aimed for. wish you best of luck.

New Careers Academy is a leading best centre for coaching in India for NDA, SSB, AFCAT, CDS, ACC written examination and SSB Interviews. join the leader to be to be successful and accomplish your dream. this academy rests on laurels through all the yesterday of experience. students undergo a well-knitted programme of training both for written exam as well as SSB’s. joint efforts by the instructors and the students in a congenial environment here produces the designed results. success achieved by the students is the real satisfaction and credit for the academy. high intellect. honest behaviour and sound training of body and mind carve out the right personality of this academy.

Some major achievements of New Careers Academy

  • Over 37000+ success stories produced till now.
  • The first lady flying officer from New Careers Academy.
  • Only institute to produce second and third generation of officers.
  • An olympian from New Careers Academy.
  • Produced in the illustrious history, Top 10 ranks in NDA/CDS/TGC/AFCAT/ACC/ACC.
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