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GTOLecturetteLecturette: Cyber Security

Lecturette: Cyber Security

Science and technology has changed the face of everything and reduced the level of effort. The era has arrived when even warfare also got a technological face. As everything on paper is now on servers, Cyber threat has emerged as a new mode of stealing the data that eased the task of spy. The digitalization has come to such a level that, when everything reaches you with just a click and ‘Enter’.


Sources of Cyber Threats

Cyber groups, Hackers– Various hackers and cyber groups work for different purposes. In most of the cases the reason lies in monetary benefit, to have thrill and experience or personal revenge.

Spammers – The unwanted fake emails that lure the reader to sell their product, facility or to distribute malware or spyware.

Spyware and Malware – Some kind of virus or we can say transferable programs that are programmed to do a spy job in foreign computers and harm the file and data of the system. Some examples are Nimda worm, blaster warm, etc.

Terrorists – Terror groups also use cyber-crime as a way to sneak into the servers to steal confidential data about nation’s security to fail them or provide it to the enemy nation. Recently ISIS was found advertising for hiring computer experts and programmers for its cyber tasks.

Requirement of Cyber Security

India has nearly 800 million mobile users and 200 million internet users that are increasing rapidly with the digitalization of country. With the publicity of digital India program, it is expected to have a 100% teledensity by 2020. With the emergence of new thing, its illegal use also evolves. So, it is a challenge for India to secure its cyber world. The recent incident of china alleged to hack into U.S. servers for stealing some confidential data and ISIS advertising to recruit engineers for programming and IT services, the threat increases. Digital India which has a vision to explore governance digitally also comes under threat.Lectureate-Cyber-Security

What more can be done?

India need a central and state level coordinating body to review the strategy and further improvement. With land, air and water warfare cyber warfare surfaced as a new level of nation’s security and defense. Defense sector must be supported with such kind of bodies to avert the threat and maintain privacy to safeguard the crucial information from harmful elements. There should be a well-equipped organization under law enforcement to have power to neutralize the cyber-attacks and respond to the attacks by terror groups, foreign cyber gangs etc. Cyber intelligence must be give more training and expertize to reduce the attacks and pacify them.


With the hike in technology’s interference in almost all fields, physical works have reduced. Major threat appearing in front is the digitalized battle. Everything has pros and cons. So did it! Internet was made to save time and speed up the processes. But now it is being used as a weapon to paralyses any authority or even a nation. All we need is to gear up the cyber authorities to defend the threats and simultaneously catch the culprit.

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Ravinder Tanwar
Ravinder Tanwarhttps://ssbcrack.com/
A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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