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SSB InterviewTipsHow To Perform Well In CDS SSB?

How To Perform Well In CDS SSB?

CDS is a special entry for all the three forces where the entry to the aspirants is provided based on a written exam that is conducted by the UPSC. All those who clear this exam are called for the SSB and allocated service based on their choices. This exam can be given by the non-technical cadre also and those of the aspirants who are in technical cadre but are not getting calls due to low percentage can opt for this entry. Another advantage of this entry is that the aspirants that get shortlisted for SSB are less in number as compared to the direct entries where the aspirants attending SSB are two to three times the aspirants called here. This can be a big relief for many.


The written is conducted twice a year and those aspirants who have cleared the written this time would be looking for the tips. So here they are:

  • Please remember that at SSB you are only assessed for the OLQ’s so keep them in mind and prepare accordingly. There can be a lot that can be done but we should not lose the focus and prepare sincerely towards the goal with dedication.
  • Take things positively at SSB and do not go with pre conceived notions. Every start should be a fresh start.
  • Introspect deeply before appearing for SSB as that can only save one from getting a know how about yourself and performing to the fullest there.
  • Remember not to fool anyone and prepare sincerely for your dream.
  • Never believe in myths that you hear from various resources as that can bother you thus degrading your performance.
  • If you are looking for the preparation, always see a place where you would be individually guided as SSB is all about individual personality and if taught in large chunks one can miss on important aspects. Also at such places individualistic personality is lost.
  • Get ready with your profiles so that you know what you have and what needs to be improved on. Once this is done then the practice set can be taken and things will definitely move in right direction.
  • Practice for various rounds should only be done once you know your real self.
  • Follow proper schedules and time tables and start preparing early rather than waiting for the last moments.How To Perform Well In CDS SSB

Please remember that at SSB things are psychologically judged so even if a high grade of English is used it might not lead to selection if things are not matching your personality or does not reflect your true self, so preparation in proper order should be done. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQ’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Proper introspection is the only key for success as that can help revealing your true self and thus enabling you to perform better. SSB is nothing but revealing you fully and that is an easiest job for the individual. Keep reading more for other important tips and solutions.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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