
How To Join Indian Air Force After Engineering

By Tashi Mishra

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Indian Air Force Commandos

How To Join Indian Air Force After Engineering. There is saying, very popular amongst the new generation and viral on the internet, that, youngsters today first become an engineer and then decide what they want to do. So engineers, even if you had plans to work in the IAF, still did engineering, it’s not too late yet to join the Air Force. Engineers are inducted in the technical branch of the IAF and are responsible for a lot of work related to the maintenance and wellbeing of the equipment’s in the IAF. Here we are providing the information on how you can join IAF after engineering. We haven’t included the GDOC entries or the flying branch entries, because they are based on graduation in any discipline and you can apply for them subject to your age and fitness.

As written on the career website of the IAF ‘As an officer in the Technical Branch, you propel and manage your team to ensure that the Indian Air Force remains airworthy. You would be incharge of some of the most sophisticated equipment in the world by joining one of the sub branches based on your qualification’. Here we are providing details of exclusive entries for engineers:

How To Join Indian Air Force After Engineering

There are following entries you can apply after Engineering to join the Indian Air Force

  1. CDS Entry for flying only
  2. AFCAT for flying, technical and GDOC branch
  3. NCC Special entry
  4. Meteorological Branch Entry
  5. Fast Track Selection

CDSE Entry: Again an exclusive entry for men, after graduation and meant only for flying branch. CDSE is an exam conducted by UPSC, twice every year. The training is conducted in AFA, and then the candidate is moved to the specialized flying training establishment. This entry too is meant for all the three forces, just like NDA.

  1. Exam type Written exam followed by SSB for successful candidates.
    Gender Men
    Format Three papers consisting of General awareness, English and Mathematics.
    Educational Qualification Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognized University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) / BE / B Tech (Four Year Course). Final years eligible.
    Age 20 to 24 years (at the time of commencement of course)
    Notification date June and October (Approx.)
    Exam date February and September (Approx.)
    Commission type Permanent commission

NCC Special Entry: Once again an exclusive entry for men aiming for the flying branch. Training procedure almost same as CDSE. As an Air Wing Senior Division ’C’ Certificate holder of the National Cadet Corps, you can apply to the Flying Branch of the Indian Air Force.

  1. Exam type Direct SSB call for Air Wing Senior Division ’C’ Certificate holder of the National Cadet Corps.
    Gender Men
    Format SSB
    Educational Qualification ·        Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and have passed Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 levelORBE / B Tech (Four Year Course) from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together.


    ·        Final Year/semester students are also eligible to apply, provided they do not have any present backlogs at the time of SSB Testing and produce Degree certificate issued by the University as per the date stipulated in the advertisement.

    ·        NCC Air Wing Senior Division ’C’ certificate.

    Age 20 to 24 years (at the time of commencement of course)
    Notification date NCC Cadets are to apply through respective NCC Air Squadrons/DG NCC
    Commission type Permanent commission

UES Entry: University Entry Scheme is meant for engineering student of pre final year, for the technical branch of IAF. This is entry for men and the training is in AFA, followed by Air Force Technical College in Bangalore. The advertisement is released along with AFCAT.

  1. Exam type Written exam followed by SSB for successful candidates.
    Gender Men
    Educational Qualification The candidate must be currently studying in Pre-final year of BE / BTech degree course with choice of subject as mentioned in the advertisement. There must be No backlog / arrears of papers of previous semesters at the time of SSB Testing. On completion of degree, minimum 60% of marks in aggregate in all papers put together are mandatory.
    Age 20 to 26 years (at the time of commencement of course)
    Notification date December (Approx.)
    Commission type Permanent commission

AFCAT Entry: This is the biggest test conducted for inducting officer in IAF. This test inducts both men and women as officers in all the three branches of IAF, i.e. Flying, Technical and Ground Duty. AFCTA is conducted twice every year by IAF, and includes an added test called EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) for Technical branch aspirants. The eligibility and training differs according to each branch. Here are general details regarding this test.Join Indian Air Force As An Officer

  1. Exam type Written exam followed by SSB for successful candidates.
    Gender Men and Women
    Format One paper consisting of General awareness, English and Mathematics. EKT for Technical branch
    Qualification The eligibility criteria with respect to age limit, educational qualifications etc. for AFCAT are spelt out in the advertisement published. Minimum qualification required is graduation.
    Branches Flying, Technical and Ground Duty.
    Notification date June and December (Approx.)
    Exam date February and August (Approx.)
    Commission type Permanent commission for men and Short Service commission for men and women.

Meteorological Branch: This is branch only for Post Graduate students. Permanent and short service commissions are given to men and women.

  1. Exam type Direct applications followed by SSB for chosen candidates.
    Gender Men and Women
    Educational Qualification Post Graduate Degree in any Science stream / Mathematics / Statistics / Geography / Computer Applications / Environmental Science / Applied Physics / Oceanography / Meteorology / Agricultural Meteorology / Ecology & Environment / Geo-physics / Environmental Biology with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together (Provided Maths and Physics were studied at Graduation Level, with a minimum of 55% marks in both).
    Age 20 to 26 years (at the time of commencement of course)
    Notification date Keep checking the website for details
    Commission type Permanent commission for men and Short Service commission for men and women

Fast Track Mode: Generally the selection procedure is spread for a duration of six months, however via Fast Track Selection it is ensured that it is completed within ten days’ time. This mode is mostly meant for Flying Branch and Meteorological Branch. There is no fixed time for advertisement schedule. You need to keep checking the website for such opportunity.

  1. Exam type Written exam followed by SSB for successful candidates.
    Gender Men and Women
    Educational Qualification Depends on the branch
    Age Depends on the branch
    Notification date Not fixed
    Commission type Permanent commission for men and Short Service commission for men and women


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Tashi Mishra

An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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