A scam that came in the limelight in Madhya Pradesh, alleging businessmen, politicians and some senior officials involved in the scam. The scam was seen little different as some witnesses and accused died mysteriously. The case was against Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB), popularly known as ‘Vyapam’, which altered the state-run medical college and government job’s recruitment.
How the VYAPAM Scam Came to Sight
The case came to the sight when an audit by Madhya Pradesh local fund audit office, held in 2008-09, revealed the report that a difference was there in the sales of forms by MPPEB. MPPEB conducts the exams for state-run medical and engineering colleges and some government services also. The officials were claimed to have been corrupt in the seat allotment of medical and engineering colleges. Some famous personalities like Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan were also alleged to be involved in the scam.
Actual Face of VYAPAM Scam
The case was surfaced when a premedical test was reported of having some irregularities in 2009 where bribery and impersonation were done to take admission in state medical colleges. In 2013, the country got shocked with the huge fraud in recruitment exam of various posts, like platoon commander, police constable, milk federation, etc. FIR was registered against about 150 suspected people. In 2014, another case of fraud in SBI PO exam was reported. Candidates hired others for appearing and clearing the exams. But many of those students got failed in the interview. According to sources, the members of board hire a person to dictate the answers/copy during exams to few candidates and the examiners were bribed for arranging safe seats for them. Most amazing was that the candidates that want selection were told to leave their sheets blank and were given a high score in the result and the sheets were filled according to the marks obtained.
Government Action on VYAPAM Scam
In 2013 and SIT (Special Investigating Team) was framed to investigate into the case. Charge sheet against 34 people was produces in Indore high court out of which 30 were the parents of the students. Successively 27 students were expelled from the MGM College for clearing the PMT illegally. Former technical education minister (BJP), Lakshmikant Sharma was arrested having links in contractual teacher scam. Nearly 2000 were claimed to be involved in the scam, most of which are in jail. Congress also said that Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his wife were involved in the scam
Suspicious Deaths in VYAPAM Scam
41 people linked to the scam were died in last 5 years while were reported as died in suspicious manner. MP Governor Ram Naresh Yadav’s son Shailesh also died, who was linked to the scam. This phase made this scam the most notorious of all scams. High court special investigating team mentioned that 32 of the linked people died in suspicious conditions (mostly due to health issues or by road accidents).
Why VYAPAM Scam is Recently in News
Recently media revealed that 44 suspicious deaths of the people linked to the scam have taken place. Akshay Singh, a TVtoday journalist died after interviewing parents of a girl who herself died in suspicious circumstances. Dean of Jabalpur Medical College, Dr. Arun Sharma, is also found dead in a hotel in New Delhi. The series deaths are raising the concerns over the multi-crore scam.
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