
6 Tips To Crack CPSS Test Will Full Marks

By SSBCrackExams

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The CPSS test (formerly PABT) is conducted for those who want to become a pilot in the Indian armed forces. Anyone, irrespective of the service, has to undergo CPSS test to qualify for becoming a pilot in the Indian armed forces. The CPSS test is designed to check the candidate’s reflexive capabilities in response to external stimuli. In this test, the locomotive and sensory abilities of the candidates are put to examination; the tests are conducted to note the eye-ear-hand-feet coordination of the candidate.

CPSS test is conducted in three levels: Written Test, Light Control Test and Drum Test. The written test again consists of Apparatus Reading test and Plane Position Test.

In this article, I’m going to show the techniques and ways in which one can develop these skills to nail the CPSS test selection.

  1. Be a Good, Attentive Listener: Being a good and attentive listener is the most important quality for development of psychomotor skills. The instruments are explained in complete detail containing each and every point needed to qualify the test. Hence, the candidate should listen to the officer with an attentive mind and understand every detail that is given. Once, this is achieved, half the battle is won. This is useful in both Apparatus Reading Test and Plane Position Test in which candidates are supposed to read and understand the instruments on-board the aircraft.
  2. Play Computer Games: Everyone loves to play computer/mobile games and if you are a gamer, then bingo, you got this one. Research shows that people who play 14 hours of computer games continuously has shown a significant increase of upto 25% in decision making ability. I’m not asking you to play games for the full day, but, play games that challenge your brain. My personal favorite game for brain exercise is ‘Duet’. You can get it on Play Store. This is helpful in the Light Control Test in which you’re made to sit infront of a CRT monitor and asked to fly a plane (pun intended).
  3. Meditate and Exercise: The best way to make a good coordination within your body parts is to control your brain-the center of the body functions. Conquer this, and you would’ve conquered the coordination between your limbs. Do meditate two times daily for 20 mins. If not possible, meditating for 5-10 mins in the morning would be a good start. And yeah, do exercise for atleast 30 mins, daily to keep those muscles flexible and handy.cpss test
  4. Check on your diet: Eating food rich in fibre will help your brain get that extra energy in the long run. Also, try to limit the consumption of coffee, cokes and other caffiene related drinks. Get a good night’s sleep for atleast 6 hours. Drink water in regular intervals and limit intake of dietry supplements. For your vision, grab those carrots and take fish cod liver oil.
  5. Self-Introspection: As you all might’ve concluded from reading articles on ssbcrack.com that self-introspection is the key to success, it holds true here too. The assessor will observe only what you show to them. So, it’s a better practise to know well about yourself and show the best of your OLQs. It is never late to start. Do it now and be foucused! This is assessed in the written test. Maintain a diary and jot down your achievements of the day, be it any smaller or be it not make any significant difference. At the end of the day, you’ll be happy of it and it’ll motivate you.
  6. Mental Practise and Preparedness: This is very common in the making of an officer pilot. Military pilot should have presence of mind and should be capable to withstand mental and physical strains at the odd time. Be mentally prepared for what you’re opting for and it’s consequences. With the induction of the Fifth Generation fighter aircrafts, it had became much more demanding of the pilots to take the right decisions quickly to avoid any loss of aircraft or in worst scenario, life.

I hope these tips will make the best for developing your psychomotor skills and get the best pilot out of you. Are you up for it? #TouchTheSkyWithGlory #IAF

Read: What is Computerized Pilot Selection System [CPSS] Test



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1 thought on “6 Tips To Crack CPSS Test Will Full Marks”

  1. I guess, Driving a car or a bike would be more helpful for enhancing co-ordination between our hands, legs and eyes and listening., than playing video games.


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