
4 Orders Every Cadet At National Defence Academy Follows

By SSBCrack

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NDA Cadet Drill

As we have stepped into the millennium, we are confident that the finest amongst Indian youth will continue to pass out from the portals of this great institution known as the “Cradle for Leadership” into the service of the nation, perpetuating by their gallantry, dedication and steadfastness, the Academy’s motto “Seva Pramo Dharma” or `Service Before Self’.

The orders given below are to be followed by every cadet under training at the NationalDefence Academy.

1.  Honour. The Honour Code of the Academy will be observed meticulously. “A Cadet must be Loyal, Truthful, Trustworthy, Honest and Forthright under all circumstances. He will not Lie, Cheat or Steal. Nor will he Mislead or Deceive anyone. He will faithfully live up to this code and encourage his Comrades to do so”.NDA Cadet Training

2.  Integrity Always Do The Right Thing. Every cadet is responsible for his action. He will be held accountable in your activities you will encounter the choice between the right and the wrong. The right thing to do so isn’t always the easy thing to do, but is Always the right thing to do. A cadet is expected to have the Honour and Courage to do the morally and ethically right thing regardless of its consequence.NDA Cadet Drill

3. Leadership. Learn to follow, Learn to Lead. You are here to become Leaders in our Armed Forces. During your Training you will receive the benefit of hundred of years of proven Combat Leadership Principles and observe many examples of strong leaders. First become a Team player by helping coursemates, squadronmates and teammates. Learn to follow lawful orders, then learn when, how and why orders are given. When Leadership opportunities present themselves, take them without hesitation. At the NDA, leadership mistakes are learning experiences and here you learn to lead. We build Leaders of Character.NDA Cadet drill training

4. Excellence. Every cadet will have opportunities to demonstrate `excellence in all we do’. Every cadet will choose an area of excellence of his choice at the Academy. He will work hard in this field and be an asset to the service on passing out. Excellence is achievable.NDA Cadet push ups


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