
Students Suicide: The Issue that needs Attention

By Ravinder Tanwar

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Student life, the period of life when a child learns all about the real world. The life of a child as a student starts from the first day of his/her school till getting a reputed job. But today, if we observe the facts, then we will come to know that the number of children’s starting their student life is more than that of those who finish their student life. The reason behind is that since recent past, it has been recorded that students are committing suicide on a higher count. According to a report, the children’s of 10 to 14 years age group undergo suicide more than other age group. So, what are the reasons behind this? Let’s have a look on major reasons.

Competitive Issues:

Race for High Marks

Today is the era, when everyone is running in the race to grab more numbers on their shelf. There is a race to secure 100% in every subject. This thinking has changed a student into not less than a horse. Every student has become a bookworm, which creates an unknown pressure on the mind. And when those students get less than expected marks they feel ashamed and leads to suicide.

Unsuccessful in Exams

Examination is the showcase of one’s performance. It can also be defined as the testing of theoretical knowledge of a student. Students of today prefer mugging up instead of understanding the physics behind the concept. Because of that, they retain shallow knowledge and hence become unsuccessful in getting through the exam. According to a report by NSPCC, the number of young people seeking counselling for exam stress has increased a lot in Britain.Students-Suicide-The-Issue-that-needs-Attention

Family Issues:

Family Pressure

Well, these days the toughest time is going for the middle class families. They want to raise their status, but have limited money for it. The youngster, however work hard, but some unintentional circumstances leads the situation in some other way.

Unaffordable Studies

As today, in every school, most of the students belong to a middle class family. But as the expenses are increasing day by day, it is becoming hard for them to provide a fruitful education for their children’s. In that scenario, they are forced to educate in adverse conditions. Being not able to get adjusted in those situations, students take suicide as the best alternate to opt.

Social Issues:

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Alcohol is a common drink in each and every school. The reason behind is the open mentality amongst students. But if facts are to be believed, then the count of student suicide because of alcohol is more than any other reason.

How to Prevent Students Suicide?

General Awareness

To overcome this global issue, students must be aware about its reasons and causes. With complete assistance, they will grab knowledge about the problem and will resolve is at their own end.

Minor Tweaks in Education System

Minor tweaks are required in the currently executing education system. In order to prevent youth suicide, there must be an exam system which will be more for the students than for the institutes which executes a high merit list for student’s selection.
So, do you think that there are any other way students suicide can be curbed?

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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