
I Got Recommended From 4 AFSB Varanasi For Meteorology Branch Of IAF

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Recommended From 4 AFSB Varanasi For Meteorology Branch

I Got Recommended From 4 AFSB Varanasi For Meteorology Branch Of IAF. Day 1: Hello! My name is Akashdeep Singh currently pursuing M.Sc Physics from GNDU, Amritsar. I got recommended from 4 AFSB, Varanasi for Meteorology Branch of IAF on 28 Mar 2015. I want to share my SSB experience with all the aspirants who wish to join the armed forces.
We were the absentee batch as most of the people did not arrive on their first call. though I received the first call but that time due to university exams i was not able to attend the SSB. I reached MCO Varanasi at 6:30 am on 23 march. I saw a few people standing waiting for the IAF buses. I could feel the excitement in the air. In Excitement My heart-beat-rate must have clocked around 200 !! The fear of the unknown, I think is the most primitive of all our fears. The bus soon left for the selection board. Interestingly, the board was just at a drive of 3 minutes from the railway station. After breakfast we were allotted temporary chest numbers, mine was 13 (considered as unlucky in astrology). Then we were taken to the testing hall and after briefing, the Phase 1 of the testing procedure started.

Officer Intelligence Rating Test: In my opinion no former practice is needed in this test. It needs just basic intelligence. Having Cleared IBPS  exam twice before, this test was not really an issue. I solved 42 verbal and 47 nonverbal out of sets of 50 questions each. Time given was around 30 min.  Good score in this test improves the chances of clearing the phase 1.Recommended From 4 AFSB Varanasi For Meteorology Branch
Picture Perception and Description Test :
The hazy picture was shown.we had to observe the picture for 30 seconds and  thereafter 4 minutes were allowed to write the story. I wrote the story  about a group of students on a trekking being stranded in a land slide evacuated by their senior. During the discussion, I realized that my story  was completely different to others’. I didn’t bothered too much with  pushing my story but just ensured that I make important inputs in the group  story. In any case, I went ahead and spoke at least 4 times. Important  point in the discussion is be co-operative, don’t fight for bandwidth and  do agree to people’s inputs in the story.
Soon after the discussion, results of phase 1 were declared and 69  candidates were screened in out of 171. we were now allotted different  chest numbers. my chest no was 3 this time. After that our Educational documents were verified and PIQ ( Personal information questionnaire) form was given. We were free at 6 in the evening.

Day 2 (psychology Tests)
First test was TAT (Thematic appreciation test). In this test, 12 pictures  were shown one by one and we were asked to write a story based on these.  First picture appeared for 30 seconds and thereafter 4 minutes were allowed  to write the story. After 4 minutes second picture appeared for 30 secs and  it went on like that for 12 pictures. The last picture was a blank slide. I  wrote simple stories relating them to my personal life. no exceptional acts of bravery or self sacrifice was shown.
In Word Association Test we were shown 60 words one by one. Each word was shown for 15 seconds on the screen. Within that 15 seconds we are to see the word and write a sentence thus not allowing any time to think, which makes us unable to mask the responses and our natural self will come out before the psychologist. I attempted about 50.
Then in Situation Reaction Test we were given 60 real life situations on a booklet for which we had to write our response to those situations. I attempted 45 situations out of them. The key point here is to Provide sensible solutions, do not exaggerate the situation.
Then there after I wrote SD (Self-Description) test. Here we had to write what our parents, teachers, friends, colleagues and we think of ourselves and what kind of person we would like to become. It sounds easy but needed to be written carefully. I wrote everything honestly and truly.
The key here in the psychology tests is don’t pretend to be a person which you are not. Try to answer everything relating it to your own personality so there may not be a personality conflict. In my opinion what you write in psychology tests, what you speak in Interview and your actions during Group Tasks must match. So honesty will be the best policy at least in this case. This ended our psychology test series and we were free for the rest of the day.

Day 3 & 4 (Group Tests)
Next two days were spent with GTO (Group Testing Officer). It was first chance to make an impression on the officer. I think I utilized it well. The tests those had to be covered in GTO. series were as follows:

  1. 2 rounds of Group Discussion
  2. Group Planning Exercise
  3. Progressive Group Task
  4. Half Group Task
  5. Group Obstacle race
  6. Lecturette
  7. Command Task
  8. Individual Obstacle Race
  9. Final Group Task
  1. In the GD we were given two topics, which factor is more important for being successful:
  • education
  • social support
  • financial support.
  1. Bringing Doctors under consumer court will: a) improve the quality of health services
  • increase burden on judiciary
  • put pressure on the doctors

Our GD went quite good everyone gave their points sensibly and no fish-market like scene was created. GPE went alright. In the progressive group task We were able to clear only 2 obstacles . My Command Task and Lecturette went very well.
As a whole i think I performed reasonably well in all the tasks except the Individual Obstacle race where i could complete only 3 Obstacles out of 10  in the allowed 3 minutes. Anyhow, GTO series completed. Our group decided for bookout and we explored the Varanasi City that day.

Day 5 (Interview)
This was the Interview day. My Interview was Scheduled at at 7:30 in the morning. It went on for about 55 minutes. Most of the questions asked were personal and from day to day life. Other questions asked were:

1.Source of conflict between Israel and Palestine

  • Indo-china bilateral issues
  • Permanent members of UN Security Council and how will its permanent membership help India
  • Associate members of ASEAN and SAARC
  • difference between niti ayog and planning commission
  • how is time travel possible? what are wormholes? How will you explain 11 dimensional space?? ( possible reasons for these questions was i mentioned  “brief history of time” when asked about the book I read and surprisingly the interviewing officer had read it too)

Many Other questions from current scientific developments were asked. As a Whole Interview went very good as I answered all the questions confidently.

Day 6 (Conference and Results)
The day of results had come. I had a normal meal and  got dressed in formals and was ready for my conference. I did not have to wait long.The conference started at about 11:30 am and I was the third to go in.I went in confidently and wished the President of our board.It was a different experience to face about 15 officers all together dressed in complete uniform.Our DSO asked me How would you rate your performance. I answered 6 on the scale of 10 as there is always a scope of improvement. A couple of more questions and I was off for the day. My conference lasted for near around 2 min and I was then asked to leave. All that time I remained cheerful. The time then came for the results.After the Conference was over a our DSO came and announced the results after a small briefing and a closing address. He said like this “So those who have been recommended are chest no: 3(me)and 52″. It was a defining moment of my life. I thanked God and proceeded towards form filling. I am done with my medical now and waiting for the final merit list. I want to wish all the aspirants BEST OF LUCK.


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