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Personal InterviewCurrent AffairsGeneral Knowledge: All About POKHRAN

General Knowledge: All About POKHRAN

Pokhran is a place that comes under Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. It has a significant role in nuclear tests. It is a remote area under the Thar Desert. The test invited a wide range of responses and actions from all over the world.

Smiling Budha and Pokhran:
Smiling Budha is the name assigned to the first nuclear bomb test that took place on 18 May 1974 during the regime of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The name Smiling Budha was given to it because it was done on the occasion of Budha Jayanti. It was 1st test by any country outside five permanent members of United Nation Security Council. This test was called ‘Peaceful Nuclear Explosion’ but actually it was not so.
— After Test Situation- The then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi became much popular after military’s victory over Pakistan in 1971 war. The test added fame to her status. Scientists involved in the test, Homi Seth (chairman of Atomic Energy Commission), Raja Ramanna of BARC and Basanti Nagchaudhri of DRDO, were honored with Padma Vibhushan. Five other members of project were honored with Padma Shri. India came out with the statement that the test was peaceful and was not for militarizing its nuclear program.
— International Reaction- In response of the India’s nuclear test, Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) was formed in order to check international nuclear proliferation. Well Pakistan paused all relations and canceled talks scheduled on 10 June 1974. Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission said that this test forced Pakistan to test its own nuclear bomb. On the other hand, the plutonium used in the program was created in the reactor supplied by Canada which later stopped the nuclear energy assistance of two heavy water reactor which were under construction. While, U.S. provided enriched uranium to India for Tarapur reactor and said that the test don’t violate any agreement. France also sent a telegram congratulating India over nuclear test. But later it withdrew the telegram. General-Knowledge-All-About-POKHRAN
Pokhran II
Five nuclear tests were done by DRDO and Atomic Energy Commission on 11 and 13 May, 1998 at Pokhran, given the name “Pokhran II” and code named as Shakti. The test consists of 1 fusion and 4 fusion type bomb. The test preparations and secrecy was ensured by 58th engineering regiment of Indian Army.
— National Reaction- India became 6th country who tested nuclear bombs. Just after India’s fame speeded over the globe, India’s stocks gained new heights. But still congress criticized India’s test. Sanctions imposed by U.S. after test led to the loss for some sectors of the country.
–International Reaction- A strong reaction was faced from the neighbor, Pakistan. Immediately after the test, it declared that it is also prepared for performing its nuclear test. Indian and PAK PM Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif were awarded IG Nobel peace prize. U.S. imposed sanctions on India freezing all assistance except humanitarian aid. While UNSC and Canada condemned the test and China also requested international community to put pressure to sign NTP. Japan paused all loans except humanitarian aid. And later U.S. pressurized India to be a part of CTBT and NPT. But India’s firm stand took India to a secure place.

Why Pokhran is Recently in News:
A committee of experts will be formed to probe the issue of increased radiation level as a result of Pokhran-I and Pokhran-II tests. According to the residents of khetolai village, approx. 2.5 k.m. from Pokhran, the radiation level in the village has increased the cancer and psychiatric disease in the village along with the drastic fall in milk production in castles.

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