They say really warriors get trained at National Defence Academy, Pune. Training schedule at NDA is rigorous and not all young boys can handle the pain of going through a tough training of NDA. Cadets get three years of training at NDA and then they move to IMA, AFA or NA as per their choice. National defence academy at Pune is turning boys into men since long. NDA gave us great warriors and doing the same since long. Joining NDA is a dream for every defence aspirants. So here are the pictures of NDA boys turning into men.
1. Always a winner, boosting my self-confidence. Look at the cadets in the background. That Josh!!

2. After all, running 40 km is not a joke. Building stamina and will power. I will never leave a fallen cadet behind.

3. I’m not on holiday, this is my daily routine. Let it be a jump from the sky or sliding on water, we do it all.

4. Shoot to Kill. One Bullet One Enemy. Weapon Training at NDA, Pune.

5. Learning close combat tactics. No Ammo? No Worries.

6. Assembling rifles with a blindfold. Like a Boss.

7. This would help me to climb the snow wall in Siachen at -10 Degree Celcius.

8. Courage and Confidence, a pack of all.

9. Keeping a low profile. We do what we are meant for. No Hawabazi.

10. Learning what other people miss in their lives. That’s called “comradery”. We leave no men behind in war.

11. Completing my training like a boss. Can you see the confidence on my face?

12. King of Kings. Look at my chest, this is what I have earned in Training.

13. Getting awarded by Cheif of Indian Army motivates me more.