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SSB InterviewTipsWhat An Aspirant Should Have To Clear SSB?

What An Aspirant Should Have To Clear SSB?

What An Aspirant Should Have To Clear SSB? SSB is different from other exams is a well-known fact but still aspirants prepare for that in the same way as for other exams. This is not justified. I have received multiple queries asking what one should have to clear SSB? Though there are a lot you need to have for clearing the SSB but if a general and mild workout is done on you, you hold a better chance to do that. People are afraid of going to SSB because of the myth that exists in and around the society. The aspirants have the JOSH that is needed but when they start confirming on that part from other sources like friends, etc they get to hear a lot which might not be prevalent in the SSB premises. SSB is just a simple test where you need to be yourself. Speak frankly, is it a difficult task for any individual. We are the ones who know about ourselves better than anyone else. We know the happenings of our life, we know what our habits are, we know how bad or good we can be in society and at most we know what we should change in us to be a good citizen.


In SSB believe me you are just tested 15 OLQ’s. What these olq’s are and how are they revealed, in what round has already been posted by me in another article. I would request aspirants to please refer that. No one will ask you questions you need to prepare beforehand or you need to do hard work for that. I accept, it is expected to be aware of the happenings around you, your country and the world, but is it not the responsibility of the youth to do so and suggest parameters that could lead to the betterment of our country. Rest SSB is a very simple exercise where the officers try to study the synchronisation between your mind, heart and body. If all three are properly synchronised you are the perfect choice for the forces.What An Aspirant Should Have To Clear SSB

The various tests which conducted during your stint at SSB will test these three things only. The screening test is just the gateway to check the mental health and to reduce the crowd and unwanted elements. The non-serious crowd is removed here. The people who stay after getting screen in will be tested for their mind, body and heart. The following is the way:

  • The GTO round simply tests the action of the body on the basis of your thought process which is generated in your mind and heart.
  • The psychological rounds are designed so as to test the ability of thought process that goes in your mind while seeing the things.
  • The Interviewer will check how you are at heart and the synchronisation with what you speak matches with your body or not.

During the last day when all the officers/ assessors meet at the conference, they fight for the synchronisation that these three important parts of your body will go through. You need to individually clear the cut-off for each round and each assessor should individually recommend you for getting selected finally. These tests are designed so that you hardly need to prepare or even if you prepare you will always face the new challenge. SSB are known to change the tests now and then so that only perfect people cross the boundary and get selected. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts. Start preparing hard because its just a simple test and the result leads you to wonders. In my next article, I will focus on the myths that are prevailing and we will face the reality of the SSB ground, till then keep reading!!!

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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