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Written ExamsNDA ExamNDA 1 2015 Result and Interview Expected Date

NDA 1 2015 Result and Interview Expected Date

NDA and NA 1 2015 written exam was conducted by UPSC [Union Public Service Commission] on 19th April 2015. Candidates who have attended NDA 1 2015 written exam are eagerly waiting for the NDA 1 2015 result which will be published by UPSC official website. As we are receiving many queries regarding the NDA 1 2015 result where candidates are asking for the NDA 1 2015 result date, we are going to give few details of NDA 1 2015 result and merit list expected dates. As we can not predict the correct NDA 1 2015 result date because it totally depends on UPSC when they will publish the NDA 1 2015 result. However, as we know how much time it takes from the date of the exam to the result. In this article, we will also cover how to check NDA 1 2015 result and what actions are required from the candidates after clearing the NDA 1 2015 written exam.

NDA 1 2015 Result Is Out Now

NDA 1 2015 Result Expected Date: Mid July 2015
NDA 1 2015 SSB Interview Date / NDA 135 SSB Interview Date: The SSB interview for NDA 135 course will start within one month after the declaration of the NDA 1 2015 result of written test. Candidate who will clear the NDA 1 2015 written exam will be getting a call letter for SSB
interview with respect to their choice of service i.e. Army, Airforce and Navy.

NDA 1 2015 result NDA NA (I) 2015 Result

What to Do after NDA 1 2015 Result

  1. First of all, keep your NDA 1 2015 UPSC admit card safe, it is required during the SSB
  2. If you pass the NDA 1 2015 written exam. Take a printout of the NDA 1 2015 Result PDF file given on the UPSC( only for the page which shows your roll number and name). This will help you in case you lose your UPSC roll number.
  3. Keep checking the official website of the Indian army, airforce and navy respectively for the NDA 135 ssb interview dates.
  4. You will also get the call letter by postal service and through an e-mail. You might also
    receive an SMS with the NDA 135 SSB date and your SSB centre details.
  5. Collect all the educational documents required for the SSB interview as mentioned on your call letter, make sure you have an application to justify in case you are not able to provide the mentioned documents during SSB.
  6. As soon as you know your NDA 135 ssb interview date, book a book, train or flight as per your convenience. If you are attending the SSB interview for the first time, you will get the full refund, make sure your journey is safe and comfortable, we suggest you to book in an Ac class or flight if you are staying far for your allotted SSB centre.
  7. Last but not the lease, which is ignored by most of the candidates, prepare for SSB interview, if you are not sure what to do, take professional training or by and SSB interview book, but do not go without any preparation, else you would be losing a golden chance to clear the SSB interview.

Important: As many candidates are asking if they need to send their educational docs after clearing the NDA written exam. NO, do not send any documents to anyone until asked officially, you are required to attend the SSB interview once you clear the NDA written test, carry the documents as asked in your call letter, apart from that, you are not suppose to send any document to anyone. Be careful with your original documents.

How to Check NDA 1 2015 Result

  1. Visit upsc.gov.in.
  2. Click on the link which says NDA and NDA (I) 2015 Written Test Result.
  3. Save the NDA 1 2015 Result PDF file in your computer.
  4. Open the NDA 1 2015 Result PDF doc and press Ctrl+F and enter your UPSC roll number.
  5. If you find your roll number, that means you have cleared the NDA 1 2015 written test. Make sure you check for which service you have cleared the NDA exam. If you find your roll number of all the services, in that case, you will get the SSB interview call only once for the service you have selected as 1st.

Lost Admit Card and Roll Number, How to Check NDA Exam Result? 

This is the problem with many candidate who do not keep their admit card safe and also do not keep a photocopy of the same. In case, if you have don’t know your NDA UPSC roll number, you can’t check your NDA 1 2015 result on UPSCup. To find out your NDA roll number, open your registered email and search for NDA 1 2015 online application form, you will find your roll number their. In case of any issue, you are suggested to contact UPSC.

Candidates who are preparing for NDA exam can take up SSBCrackExams NDA Online Coaching which is giving the best results since long now.

NDA 1 2015 Result Details:

  • Date of Notification: 27.12.2014
  • Start of receipt of applications: 27.12.2014
  • Last date to apply: 23.01.2015
  • Date of Exam: 19.04.2015
  • Result: Mid July 2015
  • Duration of Exam: 1 Day

NDA 1 2015 Result Is Out Now

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