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Written ExamsNDA ExamTighten Your Seat Belts, NDA Exam is Coming

Tighten Your Seat Belts, NDA Exam is Coming

All the young boys who have a dream to serve in the armed forces of India, consider NDA Exam as a golden opportunity to realize this dream. NDA Exam is conducted twice every year and for 2015, NDA Exam is to be held on 19th April. It is an excellent chance for the young guns to turn their dreams into reality, and live the life of adventure and thrill, which they always wanted to. NDA written exam is conducted by UPSC, and the written exam is followed by SSB interview for those who clear the written. As you must know you have to give your choice of service at the time of filling up the form. There are two papers, one for mathematics and one consisting of Chemistry, Physics and General Awareness. These papers are common for all, irrespective of the service you have applied for. For candidates who apply for Air Force, and clear the SSB, they have to give PABT, i.e. Pilot Aptitude and Battery Test to clear for flying. So now NDA written is around the corner and all you need to do is put in all the efforts to perform your best in it. NDA Exam written is going to be the first step in your journey to become an officer.


The candidates who have taken up mathematics in their 10+2 must also be preparing for engineering entrance exams. If you are nda exampreparing for engineering entrance exams, NDA Exam might look like a cakewalk to you. However this is not how it works. NDA is not only about the papers of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. It contains portions of General Awareness too. So you need to prepare for that as well. Though NDA’s Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are not applied questions, so it is easier than the other competitive exams. So these subjects might look easier to you.

NDA Online Coaching

One thing you have to be absolutely sure of is to be careful when you prepare. Time for hard work has passed now, now is the time for smart work. To begin smart work, you need to understand what it means. Smart work is not running away from hard work, instead it is understanding that how much you can utilize your potential in a limited amount of time left. So begin the smart work now. You need to begin it by looking at the question papers of past years. Read the solved papers, you’ll get an idea what comes and how much weightage it carries. Once you look the past years solved papers, you’ll get to read a lot of answers, and they’ll concepts, which will give you a thorough revision. Facts don’t change and thus these answers will help you get knowledge about a lot of things. So its high time boys, it’s now or never. Get ready and start the final march!

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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