I have seen aspirants desperately waiting for the AFCAT results and discussions are going on various forums where it is being discussed about the result. It is but obvious that AFCAT results will be displayed soon and aspirants who have given the exam would be waiting but I feel this is unusual as neither the cut-off can be predicted nor the result. This time should be utilised in preparation and personality improvement at SSB. Though SSB is all about three rounds of assessment namely psychology, PI and GTO but things in all these rounds are also psychologically judged. So it’s always best to utilise this time in improving the personality and psychology as these things need a lot of time for improvement. That why my suggestion to all the aspirants have been that their preparation should start early where they should have sufficient time for innovation in personality.
Check AFCAT Results 2015
Waiting for AFCAT Results ! What To Do Next
This article will concentrate on how to best utilise this time:
- Time after exam and before SSB is very crucial as it can change fate of many, if utilised
properly. So use it for personality development and improvement after you know what to do.
- The starting point should be assessment of personality with respect to OLQ’s so that one is aware what he or she has and what is missing. This exercise is really important as this only makes the gateway of preparation in right direction.
- There are certain tools that can facilitate in doing so as it involves study of life events and then extracting the qualities. I personally use such tools in my mentorship program where such things are administered personally and each one undergoes the counselling with one to one discussions.
- Once this target is achieved and personality profiling is done, one should be ready to practice things as desired at SSB.
- Please ensure that your very own personality is reflected in each and every thing you do and that’s why your personal study is essential to capture the essence of your personality. If this is not done you might sound copied and can be easily identified and rejected.
- SSB is all about individual personality and hence large group training might not be effective as there are chances of loss of individual personality.
- Time management in this duration is other important thing one should ensure and practice hard.
- Working on communication skills helps in preparing for each and every situation in life and poses a good impression in the very first instance.
Expressing things in such an exercise is very important and I would deal it in a separate article. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQ’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Preparation and working hard is the only option for the defence aspirants, and if worked in the right direction things can turn and work for ones favour. So don’t just wait for the result but work on the essential aspects that can help in achieving the goal and the desired target quickly.
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Sir if u r willing to help ssb aspirants. Then why U ask for ssb coaching, fees..??