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SSB InterviewTipsThree Essential Steps To Excel At SSB

Three Essential Steps To Excel At SSB

Everybody says SSB is quit a different and I will also agree on the same because it’s an exam where personality is judged rather than other things. If you have OLQ no one can stop you in excelling in this assessment test. Many aspirants keep themselves in worry just because they feel they are not good in academics in past or they have not been able to participate in sports appreciably and they feel that this can impact their selection rate at SSB. Let me tell you all at this point of time that it’s a myth that such things increase your chances for selection or confirm the selection at the centre. If you demonstrate the needed 15 OLQ’s appropriately there is no cause of rejection. “Leave worry for what you don’t have and start worrying for what you have and can improve based on that ~~ Jayendra Pratap Singh” If you will keep on wasting what you have then you will not reach anywhere. Life has few commodities as most precious and we cannot afford to waste them. We will discuss about such things today:

Three Essential Steps To Excel At SSB

  1. Time Management: A person who knows how to play with time in his life is the most successful one. screening test ssb interviewLearn how to plan and how to tackle when it’s not available. It comes with practice and only forming schedules and respecting time can lead to success. So start with it and see how fast your success curve grows.
  2. Personality development: One who wishes to dwell different from others need to have something different. Start working on your personality as it helps in all phases of life. It involves knowing who you are and what all you are best at. Once you realise this then starts the developmental cycle. With regard to SSB they only look for 15 OLQ and believe me everyone have them. There is just a need to identify them and improve in their degree as those only differ in a civilian and an officer.
  3. Self-introspection: This is a key development tool in which we try to study life events as it is believed that the mind functionality is affected by the environment one lives in and the background one comes from. Hence once this is identified we can start focusing on improvement zones. There are tools that I have developed that helps in easy realisation and study.

These steps are really essential to start working on SSB preparation and they only help in starting preparation for SSB. I have seen aspirants starting with practice of stories, words etc. which is completely wrong. Once you know yourself and your personality it’s easy to apply in various rounds for expressing yourself. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for OLQ’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Once good things are inherited aspirants are set to bang at the centre and come out with flying colours. Try this and see the magic!!

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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