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SSB InterviewTipsLife Changing Decisions For SSB

Life Changing Decisions For SSB

“Sometimes the smallest step in right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step.” Someone has rightly said that constant movement in the right direction is better than taking large leaps towards success as that might not be permanent. Small steps lead to big success. Walk tip toe if needed to reach your goal because whatever small you do for working towards your goal is just a small step towards success. You need to cover a large distance and then only can see the glory of winning. In this way there will be thousands of problems and many stoppages but you need not stop and just continue walking. Consistency is the only key that can take you towards your goal of clearing the SSB. Why because:

Life Changing Decisions For SSB

  • Never break trust of anyone. The place you aspirant are aspiring to go need utmost purity. Maintain the dignity of the place and try to live life like an officer always .
  • Life has a lot to offer, never lose hope.
  • Work hard consistently.
  • Don’t look for shortcuts they are only helpful in solving maths problem that too when basics are clear. Work hard to achieve so that you can be proud of that.
  • Try and try till you succeed.
  • De motivation is the biggest enemy for anyone. Don’t allow it to come near you.
  • Time management is the funda that needs to be learnt.
  • Never feel bad for people who laugh at you, they do it because they cannot do anything else. Say thank you to them because they are your real motivators as they make you realise that you have still lot to achieve and reach to heights where such people can’t reach

I know it’s difficult to accept failure and it’s difficult to try again but don’t feel bad. Always keep trying. I am sure you will in course of time fins a reason of why you were out or failed a particular time. Life gives reason for everything, might be not instantaneously but later in life. And the best way to find reasons of failure in SSB is self-introspection. History has seen that whosoever has mastered this technique has done wonders in life. I have seen many incidences in my course of life where life had snatched everything , I felt like leaving everything but then the ray of hope sprinkled more courage over me, strong will and dedication towards my aim forced me to work more hard. I achieved a lot and felt like I have done a lot in life. But then suddenly a push back and again came to the same point where I started from. This life is so tricky and such a viscous circle that no one has ever understood what it wants. And believe me that’s the fun of life.

Hope these are some of the useful points that I use and have experienced in life. They really helped me achieve a lot and push back big difficulties. Still you need to share your personal problems related to any facet of life, you can drop me a mail for personal counselling, individual mentoring related to SSB at [email protected] or drop me a message at Facebook with the problem. I would be really pleased to help future officers who are in a process of getting ready to protect my motherland.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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