All recommended candidates who have cleared the SSB interview to join the Indian navy have to go through full medical examination conducted by Indian navy at closest Service Hospitals. The medicinal examination method for competitors is as follow
Indian Navy Medical Examination For Recommended Candidates
- Special Medical Board(SMB): Special Medical Board (SMB) of officer applicants will be held at
assigned healing facilities over term of five to six days. Candidate will be announced Fit/Temporary Unfit or Permanent Unfit. Candidate proclaimed Temporary Unfit are to report back to the healing facility for examination after the predefined time. Candidate who still don’t qualify will be proclaimed Permanent Unfit.
- Appeal Medical Board (AMB): Candidates who are announced Permanent Unfit by Special Medical Board are qualified for Appeal Medical Board after depositing a sum of Rs. 40/ in the Government Treasury. No expenses will be charged from Temporarily Unfit candidates. Unfit candidates gets a maximum of 42 days to report for AMB at assigned Command Hospital. Applicants proclaimed unfit by Appeal Medical Board are qualified to claim for Review Medical Board.
- Review Medical Board (RMB): The President of Appeal Medical Board will suggest the hopeful, the reason of his/ her unfitness through a pamphlet and guide him/ her for Review Medical Board. Nonetheless, he will disclose to the hopeful that holding of the Review Medical Board is at the watchfulness of DGMS(Navy) and DGAFMS in light of the benefits of the case and it is not his/her privilege. RMBs are led at Army Research & Referral Hospital Delhi and Armed Force Medical College Pune.
Height Required for Indian Navy : The ideal stature for a hopeful of 18 years old is 157 cm for guys and 152 cm for females.
Anthropometric Measurement : The worthy anthropometric standard for aeronautics sections i.e Short Service Commission(Aviation & Observer) passage for male is as follows:Â
- Least Height-Â 162.5 cm
- Sitting Height- Minimum 81.5 cm, Maximum 96.0 cm
- Leg Length– Minimum 99.0 cm,Maximum Â120.0 cm
- Thigh Length-Â Maximum 64.0
Indian Navy Visual Standards
Keratorefactory surgery (LASIK) may be allowed for short service commission intake of officer in the followings categories:
- Observer Entry
- ATC Entry
- Law
- Logistics
- Education
- Graduate Entry Technical
- Naval Constructor /Architect
Indian Navy LASIK Surgery Conditions
- Surgery should not have been carried out before 20 yrs of age
- Uncomplicated surgery at least 12 months before examination
- Axial length <25.0 mm by IOL Master or A scan
- Post LASIK corneal thickness measured by Pachymeter should not be less than 450 microns
- Individuals with high refractive errors (>6D) prior to LASIK are to be excluded
- Normal retinal examination
Indian Navy Physical Standards for Officers
- These standards are laid down to assess the fitness of a candidate for selection to the Navy. The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat under peace as well as war conditions in any part of the world.
- During the inspection of candidates the following principal points are to be ensured :
- The hearing is good and that there is no sign of any disease of ear, nose or throat.
- Vision in either eye is up to the required standard. His/her eyes are bright, clear and with no obvious squint or abnormality. Movements of eye balls should be full and free in all directions.
- Speech is without impediment.
- There is no glandular swelling.
- Chest is well formed and that his/her heart and lungs are sound.
- Limbs of the candidates are well formed and fully developed.
- There is free and perfect action of all the joints.
- There is no evidence of hernia of any degree or form.
- Feet and toes are well formed.
- Absence of any congenital malformation or defects.
- He/she does not bear traces of previous acute or chronic disease pointing to an impaired constitution.
- Presence of sufficient number of sound teeth for efficient mastication.
- Absence of any disease of the Genito- Urinary tract.
Indian Navy Tattoo Rule
Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of the forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and the reverse side of palm/back(dorsal) part of the hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidates will be barred from further selection.
Hope this information would help you during medical examination for Indian navy. If you have any questions, do put them in the comment section below.
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Is stitches on hand are ok are not?
What about Varicocele? You haven’t mentioned about it. Does indian Navy allows varicocele if it’s not much severe that will hamper the training or otherwise?
If a person has history of TB of lungs 15 years back….will he/ she be rejected in medical examination for Indian Navy?