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Personal InterviewPIQ FormHow to fill the PIQ Form to Impress the IO

How to fill the PIQ Form to Impress the IO

Personal Information Questionnaire or PIQ form, as the name suggests is a form which holds your personal details. These details are not only your name, or general information about you, but the other part of information which helps the board to understand your personality and judge you. Generally two copies of the same form are to be filled by the candidates, where one copy goes to the psychologist and the other one goes to the Interviewing Officer. We have covered a lot of article which explain you about the PIQ, they different columns, their importance etc. Here in this article however, I’ll be talking about how to fill the PIQ in order to impress the Interviewing Officer. The need to impress the Interviewing Officer is there, because your interview is either partially or totally based on what you write in your PIQ form.

How to fill the PIQ Form to Impress the IO

  1.  Neat is Good: Of course everybody prefers papers which are neatly written. You would have seen some dumb students scoring good marks just because they write it neatly, in good handwriting. So A good handwriting is a must for the PIQ. Avoid any scribbling, overwriting or cutting. Write in a good legible handwriting. He’ll be instantly interested in reading your PIQ.
  2. What you see is what you BUY: Okay, I have converted the age old phrase of hindi “Jo dikhta hai Wo bikta hai” here. But it is so true. You need to improve your presentation skills in order to attract somebody. Packaging is so very important. Present your content in a proper way. Like for writing percentage and achievements, instead of writing nothing there, write about the distinctions you got in some subject.
    How to fill the PIQ Form to Impress the IO
  3. Order matters: Do not mix up things and write there, especially in the case of your achievements, and position of responsibility. Follow a proper order, as in either begin from the earlier things and come to recent one’s or begin from recent and go to earlier. The latter is preferred.
  4. Too many cooks spoil the broth: You must have heard this for such a long time. This holds true here too. Suppose you were an extra ordinary child and have ample of achievements associated. Of course you should not write everything there. If you are writing too many things, it looks like you are bragging the unimportant things. So if you have more than four-five achievements do not write all of them. Give weight age to the one’s which are more important. If you are writing everything your paper will look like a scribbled piece of jigsaw and it’ll dilute the affect.
  5. Honesty is what he is looking for: Never under any circumstance lie or brag in your PIQ. AN officer must be honest and dishonesty is a strict no. Many candidates think that they can write anything they want, to cast a good impression and they won’t be caught. But in the interview he’ll trap you with your questions. SO never lie in your PIQ. Just write the things which are real and valid.
Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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