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Personal InterviewCurrent AffairsG.K Boost Series- Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (ISIS)

G.K Boost Series- Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria (ISIS)

If there is one thing that is making a constant appearance in the international column of the newspapers, it is surely the ISIS( Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria). From the last 12-14 months we have been hearing about the brutal, ruthless and inhumane acts of this terrorist group. The magnitude of the grotesque acts afflicted by this group has alarmed the whole globe and various organizations like NATO have pledged their support to combat this anti-human warfare group. Today, we will try to shed some light on this burning issue.



This group had started in 2004 as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and renamed itself as ISIS two years later. This is predominantly a group of radicalized Sunni Muslims who wish to establish primitive Islamic State in the Middle Eastern Region to be governed by strict shariah law. This group is headed by the Iraqi fundamentalist Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi who is also the self proclaimed caliph of the Islamic World. This group has crossed all limits of heinousness to get its wishes fulfilled; it has beheaded umpteen numbers of individuals who refused to accept shariah law and has also committed hideous atrocities against women. This group has already captured the area between central Iraq and northern Syria which gives them access to many pivotal oilfields.


Currently, the ISIS militant group is growing in numbers and already controls an area which is equal to the size of Britain. It is also speculated that around 8-9 million people live in the areas controlled by this militant group. This group has access to many modern weapons and equipments which makes it very dangerous to confront with. It has already boisterously beheaded many foreign individuals from countries like U.S, U.K and Japan. The recent attacker of the Charlie Hebdo incident is also said to have ISIS allegiance. Even today this group is continuing is execrable and reprehensible activities without any restraint. Despite several air strikes by US led forces, ground strikes by Iraqi and Syrian governments, there is no thwarting this pro-Sunni bandwagon. This group is growing popular among radical Sunni Muslims across the globe and many foreign individuals are said to have joined this group. Even in India two people were caught for having alleged links with this terrorist organization.


When almost the whole world is united against them, then how do they fund themselves? Well, it gets money from the taxes they impose on the people living in areas under their siege, extortion, selling the oil from the oil fields in their control in the black market and by looting the homes of people who fled. It has also been reported that several rich businessmen from countries like Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia who share anti-Shiite sentiments give money to the ISIS. Reportedly, ISIS makes more than $10 billion a month.


Though we have been witnessing many terrorist organizations trying to impose Islam on the whole world in the past, ISIS has taken this mission to another level by going on a ruthless rampage. It has not left any individual from any country. Whoever has tried to cross their path has been stifled. Even though aid from the countries like US has helped to control their activities, there is a need of a global consensus and will to combat this venomous group. The activities of this group are not against a certain sect of people, it is against mankind. It is time that soft countries like India step up the plate and do something conclusive to annihilate this group. Mere airstrikes won’t help; we need an army of foot soldiers to counter them. The whole world should consider it as a menace which needs to be obliterated as soon as possible. For, if this organization succeeds in its mission, several similar dormant groups will follow suit which will make the whole world RED by blood all over its surface. Therefore, it is imperative that the top most nations of the world join hands and do whatever it takes to stop and finish off this antihuman group.

I hope it has been worth a read. For any queries, suggestions and views you can contact me on [email protected]. Keep visiting our website for more such insightful articles. JAI HIND

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Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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