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GTOGroup DiscussionGD Topic Series: Are Women Fit To Join Indian Defence Forces

GD Topic Series: Are Women Fit To Join Indian Defence Forces

While I was planning to write something for the blog on one side I was appreciating idea of our Prime Minister Modi on the other side for declaring a new theme for the republic day which was Women based because he wanted to show the power of Indian women to the strongest nation. It was first time in history when the guard of honour was a woman. That’s the pride of our nation. Times are changing and we are nowhere living in dark ages where woman is just confined to four walls of house, or they are illiterate and would only do the household work.  They have moved a step ahead and they are managing both the sectors well. They are taking care of home and job simultaneously. They are raising the horizons and have reached till the moon. They are there on the Everest and are occupying many successful positions like CEO, CMD, etc.

GD Topic Series: Are Women Fit To Join Indian Defence Forces


Earlier defence sector was skeptical whether women will be able to manage the physical toughness needed for the job, but our Indian pride has left every convention behind and is doing wonders. That’s why at many places where women entry was restricted in the defence having now been opened for our ladies and they are as successful as men counterpart. Women are restricted to enter the fields in defence where more often the work needs physical stamina, but yes they are doing good in technological field and administrative services. But now the view point is changing and they are allowed to manage fields also. They are provided physical training which is nowhere less then what is provided to men. Every coin has a flip side as well. There might be cases arising for sexual harassment or other such things but I think women are not afraid of any such thing and are ready to serve the nation with full pride.

These are just my viewpoints but we can also speak about the flaw of this thing. GD always have the advantage of presenting the viewpoints in a balanced fashion.  Just remember to follow the basic etiquette’s of the team participation and GD is an easy round for all. Selection is purely based on the content knowledge, group behaviour, confidence and body language. Communication apart from this plays an important role. Body language in such an exercise is very important and I would deal it in a separate article. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts which are more often myths .So keep working hard and practice is the only key to success in such rounds.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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