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SSB InterviewTipsEssential Tips of Time Management for SSB Preparation – Part 1

Essential Tips of Time Management for SSB Preparation – Part 1

Learned says that time is the most precious commodity but our present generation take it lightly. Indeed I also feel that once time is lost its something cannot be gained. So it needs to be spent precisely. There is a change in mind-set that I observe in the youth today, they are giving more value to money rather than time as they will think and plan how to spend the hard earned money as they feel that they are earning it with difficulty, but time is freely available so they don’t much bother about it. Please remember that though time seems to be available in plenty but still this life is too short to waste it anyhow. You have so much to explore and learn and it should b a continuous process. Money once gone can be regained but can you get the time you wasted. Can anyone go back in past and improve the mistakes he or she made. Once done and dusted things are gone but yes they impact your full life like anything.

Time Management for SSB Preparation


I will take an example at this juncture. Few aspirants approach me that they did not have good marks in academics but now they are serious and doing good in graduation. Now can they improve their board marks or performance, so this clearly indicates that time is the most important commodity and hence the planning is essential to excel in life. Time management in itself is a thing to be learned and executed. There are many techniques that can be performed. Like the checklist method or the schedule planning or maintain a diary every time you plan things.

“Mistakes are a proof that you are trying”

Mistakes are also necessary part of life but you need to learn from them if that’s not the case then it’s something that is wrong. Proper learning can ensure same things are not repeated again and again and the aspirant moves ahead with something that will help lifelong. Now how time management related to aspirants for SSB is is the next argument. Believe me time is the best thing a person will love when they report at the SSB centre as there things move along with the clock needles only and even civilians are fan of that thing. Fully timed schedules and exam rounds that an aspirant goes through. But yes the real work I to be done before reaching to SSB. There are many sources that will guide you in different ways for this but in the next part of the series we will see what an aspirant should start with for sure shot success. Still If you have any confusion or feel to take individual assessment of personality for olq’s or prepare from your place itself through one to one interaction through my mentoring / counselling program drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries as I have seen many misguiding sources that are providing wrong information and aspirants are getting confused. Be whatever keep sticking to your goal of achieving uniform and stars.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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