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SSB InterviewPersonality DevelopmentHow To Be Successful This Year

How To Be Successful This Year

The dictionary meaning of resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something”. For us resolution is “a decision which you make on 31st December and forget on 1st January”.  I know there won’t be any scarcity of resolutions around you but still  I am penning down some resolutions, out of them you can adopt some, to become a better human/citizen. Some resolutions are based on total humor, the aim is to make you laugh! You can comment some of the resolutions which you have already taken, or at least one resolution which you took and fulfilled!

How To Be Successful This Year

  1.  Throw garbage only in the dust-bins. It’s your country, keep it clean. If you won’t take a step, no Prime Minister can make any scheme to keep the country clean.
  2. Do not waste water. The world is already suffering a shortage of this most essential colorless, transparent, odorless, liquid, without you wasting it.
  3. Intervene people if you see them throwing garbage on the street, or wasting water pointlessly.
  4. The next time you go for a dinner party buffet, don’t fill your plate with food you know you are going to throw. Take only what you can eat.
  5. Instead of instagramming, facebooking or twittering about an issue, go out and do something about it. Making a black dot as your Profile Picture is not going to help anybody.
  6. Inculcate reading habits. It’ll give you an edge in everything, as you’ll gain considerable amount of knowledge.
    How To Be Successful This Year
  7. Spend some time/talk on the phone everyday with you parents and grandparents. They have put in a lot of effort in raising you up, and they understand that you are very busy, still if you find time for them, you’ll make them more than happy.
  8. Do not curse your country, the government, the roads, the citizens, the cricket team etc. Saare Jahan Se Accha Hindustan Humara. Be the change instead of cribbing.
  9. Be honest, with yourself the most. Period.
  10. Don’t bunk too many classes for the cricket world cup (for big matches it’s okay).
  11. Please (and I really mean please), do not send game requests on facebook to anybody.
  12. Spend one day in a month without your phone, internet and laptop. The key to find connection with you is getting disconnected.
  13. Give some time to yourself, no matter only five minutes, every day.
  14. Do not check your phone/Facebook as soon as you wake up, similarly do not check your phone/email/social network account, 1 hour before you sleep. It has become toxic now.
  15. Watch/Read/Surf the news. Staying updated with the current affairs will help you in many places.
  16. Clean your closet and in fact clean your life with unwanted and unnecessary things. Keep only the things you use/need.
  17. Try to procrastinate as less as possible.
  18. Help somebody every day.
  19. Go for a jog/walk every day.
  20. No matter what, never lose that smile!

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Tashi Mishra
Tashi Mishrahttps://www.ssbcrack.com/
An ardent follower of Military, football. Loves to read. Writer by choice, computer professional by chance! And Dil toh fauji hai jee!!

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