
All About Group Planning Exercise in SSB Interview

By Vardaan Parashar

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The Group Planning Exercise (GPE), also known as the Military Planning Exercise, is a critical component of the Group Testing Officer (GTO) task series in the SSB Interview process. This exercise evaluates candidates’ abilities to identify problems and formulate viable solutions under pressure—an essential skill for military officers who regularly face unpredictable challenges in the field.

As an officer in the armed forces, you’ll encounter numerous situations requiring quick thinking and effective decision-making. The GPE is specifically designed to assess your logical reasoning, problem-solving capabilities, and ability to perform under time constraints. A strong performance in this exercise can positively influence your overall assessment in the selection process.

How is the Group Planning Exercise Conducted?

The GPE follows a structured format:

  1. Seating Arrangement: Candidates are seated in a quadrangular formation around a map/sand model.
  2. Briefing Session: The GTO explains the markings, pictures, and dimensions of the model in detail.
  3. Problem Narrative: The GTO reads aloud a situational problem, after which each candidate receives a written copy.
  4. Individual Solution Phase: Candidates have 10 minutes to read the narrative and another 10 minutes to write their solutions on paper.
  5. Group Discussion: The team engages in a 15-minute discussion to formulate a collective solution.
  6. Solution Presentation: One candidate presents the group’s solution while referencing the sand model.
  7. GTO Feedback: The GTO offers insights and suggestions about optimal approaches to the problem.

Key Strategies for Success in GPE

During Preparation:

  • Listen attentively to the GTO’s instructions
  • Create a mental image of the problem scenario
  • Clarify all doubts before beginning your solution
  • Take note of all details in the sand model—even minor ones could be crucial
  • Identify all available resources mentioned in the narrative

For Individual Solution:

  • Write with clarity and confidence
  • Remember there’s no single “correct” answer—logical reasoning is what counts
  • Develop a structured approach to problem-solving

During Group Discussion:

  • Balance assertiveness with cooperation
  • Be open to better ideas from teammates
  • Contribute constructively to the group solution
  • Help maintain order if the discussion becomes chaotic
  • Focus on reaching consensus within the time limit

Recommended Structure for Writing Solutions

For maximum effectiveness, structure your written solution as follows:

  1. Problem Identification: List all problems identified in the narrative
  2. Available Resources: Document all resources at your disposal
  3. Problem Prioritization: Number problems in order of urgency (1 being most critical)
  4. Solution Strategy: Present your plan in point form, accounting for:
    • Time management
    • Distance considerations
    • Task distribution among available manpower
    • Simultaneous problem-solving where possible

This structure is a recommendation—innovative approaches that demonstrate clear thinking are equally valuable.

Sample GPE Scenario

Here’s an example of a typical GPE situation:

You and seven other students from Deer City are at a riverside for boating. While your friends are boating, you visit Tiger Village for drinking water. En route, you notice a removed fish plate from the railway track. A boy informs you about terrorists planting a road mine to target the Chief Minister who will pass in one hour. Simultaneously, a villager reports a tigress has injured two girls in the jungle, while another man needs help with his burning haystack. There’s a police post and PCO in Lion Village, and you receive news that your mother is seriously ill. As you prepare to leave, the village headman’s daughter falls into a well, but you cannot swim. The headman has five guns. A train will pass at 1600 hours, a half-hourly bus service runs between Deer and Bear cities, carts are available in Fox Village, and a motorboat travels at 10 km/hr. The time is 1415 hours, and you have a jeep. As a brave young student, what will you do?


The Military Planning Exercise is one of the most challenging yet revealing components of the GTO assessment. It tests not just individual problem-solving capabilities but also your ability to function effectively in a team—a crucial skill for military leadership.

By approaching this exercise with proper preparation and a structured methodology, you can demonstrate your potential as a future officer. The exercise mirrors real-world military scenarios where officers must quickly assess situations, prioritize threats, allocate resources, and implement effective solutions.

To all aspiring defenders of our nation’s frontiers—your dedication to serving the country is commendable. With thorough preparation and the right mindset, you can excel in this critical assessment.


Vardaan Parashar

Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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