
Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit

By SSBCrack

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During his three-day state visit to India, US President Barack Obama has given a boost to Indian American partnership in world peace and various other important international issues. President Obama was our chief guest during 66th republic day celebration on 26th Jan 2015. With this visit of Barack Obama, both countries have been marching towards prosperity. US President Barack Obama spoke on the topic ‘India & America: the future we can build together’, mentioning ample opportunities lying across and Indian and America have to build a constructive partnership to achieve it. Here we are talking about 10 famous quotes he has mentioned during his speech at Siri Fort, India.

Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit

  1. “More than a 100 years ago, America welcomed a son of India – Swami Vivekananda and he helped bring Hindiusm and Yoga to our country.”
  2. “Senorita..bade bade deshon mein…ah you know what I mean”
    Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit
  3. “You have pulled countless millions out of poverty and built one of the world’s largest middle classes. Nobody embodies this progress and sense of responsibility than our youth.”
  4. “India and the US are not just natural partners. I believe American can be India’s best partner.”
    Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit
  5. “America wants to be your partner as you protect the health of your people and the beauty of this land — from the backwaters of Kerala to the banks of Ganga.”
  6. “To ensure international peace and security, multilateral institutions created in the 20th century should be updated for the 21se century. That’s why I support a reformed United Nations Security Council that includes India as its permanent member.”
    Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit
  7. “Even as we live in a world of terrible inequalities, we are also proud to live in countries where the grandson of a cook can become President, or even a Dalit can help write the Constitution and even a tea-seller can become Prime Minister.”
  8. “Our nations are strongest when we uphold the equality of all our people – especially our women. I am married to a strong and talented woman. Michelle is not afraid to speak her mind or tell me when I am wrong.”
    Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama During His India Visit
  9. “Across our two countries, we have Hindus and Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jews and Buddhists, we remember the wisdom of Gandhiji who said, “for me, different religions are flowers from the same garden, or branches of the same majestic tree.”
  10. “India will succeed so long as it is not splintered on religious lines.”

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