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SSB Interview DateTGCTGC 121 SSB Interview Dates

TGC 121 SSB Interview Dates

Indian army official website joinindianarmy.nic.in will be publishing the ssb interview dates for TGC 121 technical course for the candidates who have applied for TGC 121 entry. Indian army recruitment department is deciding the final cut off marks for TGC 121 entry. Candidates who will succssfully qualify for the TGC 121 course, would be facing ssb interview of TGC 121 at Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore. For more details on TGC 121 ssb interview dates and allotment centre list, keep an eye on this page. We will soon publish the allotment centre list and ssb interview dates for TGC 121 technical course for engineering graduates.


TGC 121 Cut Off Marks

TGC 121 SSB Interview Dates

What is TGC Entry?
GC entry also know as Technical Graduate Course Entry is a type of entry through which an engineering graduate(only male) can join the Indian Army as an officer. TGC entry is specific for engineering students who can apply for it from final year onward.
Every year Indian army invites application for TGC entry for the course commences at Indian Military Academy. TGC stands for Technical Graduate Course and it is notified by Additional Directorate General Recruiting / AG Branch in May/June and Nov/Dec.

tgc 121 ssb interview

Eligibility Criteria for TGC entry
Age: 20 and 27 years as of first day of month in which course is due to commence.
Qualification: BE / B Tech final appearing & degree holders in notified streams of Engineers.
Eligible Branch: As per latest notification TGC 121

  • Civil (including mining/ construction)
  • Electrical or  Electrical & Electronics
  • Mechanical
  • Automobile/Workshop Technology
  • Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace/Ballistics/Avionics
  • Food Tech/Bio Tech/Bio Medical Engg
  • Chemical Engg
  • Electronics & Telecom/Telecommunication/Electronics & Comn/Satellite Comm.
  • Metallurgy & Explosives/Metallurgical Engg
  • Industrial/Manufacturing Engg/Industrial Engg & Mgt/Production
  • Electronics/Opto Electronics/Fibre Optics/Micro Electronics & Microwave
  • Electronics & Instrumentation/Instrumentation
  • Architecture/ Building Constr Technology
  • Computer Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech / M.Sc
  • Computer Science.

TGC 121 SSB Interview Dates

oir test ssb interview

Find the TGC 121 SSB Dates for Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore on this page. Keep visiting this page for more updates.

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  1. i got interview call letter for ssbTGC 121-course , dated on may1st but problem is i am pursuing M.tech 1st year now , any problem in that.. plz give information

  2. Hey please Help. I have applied for TGC 121 and my interview date is scheduled on May 6th but the problem here is that , i have my end semester examination from May 8th. Will their be any absentees list after this date.

  3. My Name was there in Centre allotment list but not there in Bhopal SSB date list…What is the matter what should i do??


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