
Amazing Facts About The Indian Army

By Vardaan Parashar

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Our chest swells when we talk about the Indian Army. Indian Army has always been the apogee of patriotism. Come what may, we know that our Army is always there to revive us from crisis. Today we will point out a few special facts about the Indian Army which will steel our admiration further. So here we go.

Amazing Facts About The Indian Army
  1. Indian Army is the third largest military contingent in the world next to US and China. It has 1,129,000 active and 960,000 reserve personnel. However, India’s is the largest volunteer army. It is pure passion to serve the nation which brings a rich vein of crowd to recruitment.
  2. There is no provision of any kind of reservation on the basis of caste, creed and religion in the Indian Army. When it comes to serving the nation, only talent triumphs.
  3. Indian Army trains its soldiers for the mountains at HAWS (High Altitude Warfare School). The speciality of this school is such that the US forces trained at HAWS before getting deployed at Afghanistan.
  4. Indian Army is in possession of the highest battle field in the world. Temperatures soar up to -50 degree Celsius. It is none other than the SIACHEN glacier which is 5000 metres above mean sea level. Soldiers eat only dehumidified food there. How can we not salute this awe inspiring endurance.
  5. Indian Army is also accoutered with nuclear weapon technology which was successfully tested in 1974 and 1999. This feat has put India in a select list of countries.
  6. The Indian para commandos are one of best in the world. They have successfully carried out many clandestine operations.
  7. A gob smacking 93000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered in the 1971 war and that too in 13 days. This is the largest number of prisoners of war (POWs) taken into custody since the second world war.
  8. Indian Army also has a horsed cavalry regiment. India is one the three countries in the world to boast this feat.
  9. We all are acquainted with the powerful Gurkha regiment. Their puissance is such that the queen of England wanted to take them home during the independence. Even Adolf Hitler wanted the Gurkhas to be in his army. So far the Gurkha regiment has bagged 3 Param Vir Chakras.
  10. Apart from countering external threats, the Indian Army also assists the civil forces in many operations. Be it any natural or man-made  calamity, Indian army is at our service 24*7.

Above all it is the selfless service and undaunting persistence of the Indian Army which sets them apart. Even the enemy has praised our Army in numerous occasions. India is considered to be a leading nation in the world and a huge part of its credit goes to the Indian Army. Any kind of tribute will get dwarfed in front of the sacrifice of our valiant warriors. God Bless our Army. Proud to be an Indian. JAI HIND

Vardaan Parashar

Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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