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PsychologySelf DescriptionWhat to do in SELF Description Part of Psychology?

What to do in SELF Description Part of Psychology?

Though self-description is the last round of Psychology, but it has its own importance. It’s just a simple exercise where the psychologist wants to know your perception about yourself along with your closed ones. It’s very important for a person to realise that you should know yourself clearly. If you are familiar with the grantha RAMAYAN, there was Hanuman who had lot of powers but had low confidence on his capabilities. But once he was made remembered of his capabilities he can do wonders. Jamwant told him of his capabilities after which he crossed the sea and went to Lanka to give message to Sita ji. Having Capabilities is different but recognising them and using them at the right time is what is needed in an officer. This round focuses on that.

Time allotted to write is 15 minutes and you have to write the following:
  • What do you think about yourself?
  • What your parents think of you?
  • What your friends/ colleagues think of you?
  • What you boss/ teacher thinks of you?
  • What limitations you feel in yourself?
The aim of this exercise is to assess the maturity of the participants that whether he knows of himself or not. Also you are the best one who knows about yourself no one else can access you in best way apart from yourself. Hence through these exercises you are made to write who you are and then through other exams you are judged whether you were right or wrong. If interference if found between what you say and what you do, you are recommended. How to prepare well for this exam?
  • Since it’s like you already know what to write, you should prepare beforehand and prepare a paragraph for each category.
  • Keep track of time as it’s important to write something for each category. No category should be left unanswered.
  • Have knowledge of both positives and negatives about you. Because it gives a good impression to the examiner that you have thorough knowledge about yourself.
  • Don’t feel shame in consulting parents and teachers, colleagues, friends to know their opinion about you. Since what they think needs to be mentioned this is the perfect opportunity to know this. They will give some of the details which i am sure to your surprise you might not know.
  • Don’t even try to bluff or tell lies or else you will never be selected.
  • Try to show your true character in this exercise. Or else it would be caught either by the psychologist or the interviewer.
  • Be ready with the wish list of how you goanna remove your negative qualities. Do mention them as no one is perfect and everyone has it.
    SSB Psychology
The real mantra for psychology round is through self-assessment. Once that’s done you are always free birds to express; as you should know what OLQ’s you possess, what are your weakness and then how to relate and bring things in PI, psych in synch with your personal qualities. So get ready to do self-introspection as it can be done through various inventories available. If you feel the need of individual mentorship for assessment of your personality through mentorship / counselling that I have specially designed for working people and students which can be done from your place at your convenience, just drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. Details of other parts of psychology round like WAT, TAT, SRT, etc. will be covered separately. So keep watching SSBcrack for more.

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Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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