One of the most important concerns of modern era is the time management. We have become so hyper active in our daily routine that we hardly find the time to do anything apart from the usual chores. Majority of the SSB aspirants being students, find themselves in a state of quandary when it comes to balancing their studies, leisurely activities and ssb preparation. Every night we think of changing ourselves and make good use of the coming day but tend to find ourselves in the same position the next night. As it is ubiquitously said “,Tareeq pe Tareeq”, day after day the time vanishes like soil from your fists. In order to realise your dreams, you need to pull up your socks and spruce up your lifestyle. We will be discussing certain DOs and DON’Ts which could be followed to milk the time to your advantage.
- SET REALISTIC GOALS:- Our body doesn’t’ adapt to change very easily. Slow and steady is the key. Do not expect that suddenly a Maruti 800 would turn into a Lamborghini. Make a veracious and fair assessment of yourself and set your goals. Remember your expectations from yourself should be incremental in nature and not a haphazard one. Do not set very easy goals; the word officer is synonymous of a crisis manager.
- CALIBRATE THE CALENDAR:- Set a goal which you would like to achieve in the coming year. Now divide the year into 12 months. Allocate smaller goals to each months leading to the final goal. Then divide your goal further into 4 weeks each for each month. Assign a challenging task for each week keeping in mind the larger goal. Concentrate on each day as it is the last day before your test. This approach has proved to be phenomenal in most of the cases. It is all about assigning the right task and sticking to it.
- STICK TO THE PLAN: – Whether it is a friend’s birthday party or the marriage of your relative, do not let these occasions affect your regime. Believe you me, no one will really mind your absence as long as you are fulsomely devoted to your goal. Your friends and relatives will be proud of you when you return home as a commissioned officer. Hence, you must give top priority to your career and nothing else.
- DO AWAY WITH THE DISTRACTIONS: – We all have different likes and dislikes. Similarly, we all get distracted to different things differently. Some waste their time over surfing the net, some on social media, some gossip too much and some are just remiss. Deer doesn’t go into the mouth of a tiger on its own; it is the tiger who has to hunt for its prey. You have to decide your fate. There is no dearth of deserving candidates in the SSB interview. Unless you shake those layers of lethargy, you will not succeed in the SSB.
- ANALYSE THE TIME SPENT: – If you are finding it too difficult to change your routine then follow this simple exercise. Divide your day into 48 parts (30 mins each) and write the activity you have done in that particular time. You will find out that you have given away precious dollops of time on a platter. Then try to replace an unproductive half an hour (unimportant activity) with a productive one (important activity). Follow this exercise for a week and you will be witnessing a change in yourself and you will start managing time in a better way.

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