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MedicalRegime To Get Fit Quickly

Regime To Get Fit Quickly

Guys, we at SSBCRACK not only take care of your intellectual and informational needs but also your physical attributes. Physical fitness is a pivotal prerequisite for joining the forces but we often tend to neglect it and postpone it. We are today sharing a model fitness plan to be followed religiously to lose those extra kilos fast and become like Akshay Kumar in HOLIDAY(not kidding)

But before following this plan keep in mind that in order to change your physicality, you must not binge on fried items like aloo chips, pakodas, vada pavs and say strict no no to sugar like colas, ice creams cakes chocolates etc.
Your diet should consist of moderate carbs, proteins, limited fat, vitamins and minerals. It is advised not to eat after 8pm in the night and not to skip any meal. Also drink lots of water throughout the day. Include fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet.
Now that we are through with the diet, let’s get going.
All of these exercises are simple and can easily be done without having to visit the gymnasium.
  1. Stretching followed by warm-up(slow running) for 5 minutes
  2. Skipping rope or standing jumps- 3 to 5 minutes depending upon fitness level
  3. Pushups- 3 sets(12,10,8 times each).Those who cannot do even one push up can try knee ups by using knee as a support to do push ups
  4. Squats-10 times. Squat is a position in which you couch or sit with knees bent close to the heels with your thighs parallel to the floor. It is a full body work out that primarily targets hips, thighs and buttocks
    how to get fit for ssb interview
  5. Lunges- 10 times. Walking Lunges are very high intensity exercises that help in strengthening thighs and hips. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now step forward with your right foot the land on your left knee and then on forefoot. Make sure that you keep your knees at 90 degrees approximately. Stand on forward leg with the help of rear leg. Alter the leg and repeat it again
  6. Sit ups- 3 sets of 10 repetitions. 30 seconds rest after each set
  7. Running (moderate intensity)- 10 minutes make sure you break into sweat and have to rush to the shower after completing the run
  8. Cool down. Take deep breathes and relax yourself.
Take 1-2 minutes rest after finishing each workout listed here. This workout is to be done 6 times a week. Apart from this playing a game like soccer, rugby, basketball and badminton can also help you to shed some weight.
Along these exercises one can also do some yoga to achieve faster results.
I have tried and tested this regime on many people including myself and found it do be very beneficial. You will start seeing results within a week after this regime. It is advised that you keep elevating the difficulty level every week
If you have any doubts regarding this plan please feel free to drop an email at [email protected].
                     “Stay fit become hit”
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Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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