
GD Topic Series: Co-education in India

By Jayendra Singh

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GD Topic Series: Co-education in India

Co – education simply means participation of both the sexes in the education process simultaneously. This culture is common in western countries but this is not so common practice in educational institutes in India. Sex differentiation has been a major practice that has been there prevalent in India. The changing mind-set has affected the process and now many places co-education schools can be seen however the rural India still remains unchanged.

The co-education process has its own advantage. The process does not affect studies as the Gen y is a matured generation unlike the Gen x or the boomers where the sense of understanding was bit low and there were many precautions that were taken. Also the condition of women at that time was not at all good and they were just home makers. But with changing times women have proved themselves in lot of ways and the mind-set of people changed. Now our youth knows their responsibilities and they have ambition to achieve heights. They have values and want to prove their mettle. Also the presence of other sex creates a sense of competition and forces everyone to perform better.

Also the following point can be discussed in this topic:
  • Limit of resources in India. India cannot afford so many infrastructures which can have separate boys and Girls College.
  • With the increase in women influence in various fields its necessary to allow women to participate at all places. You cannot withhold women in any sector and they have proven their worth by matching what earlier were known as men jobs.
  • There might be certain disadvantage too for co-education which includes mutual attraction in opposite sexes. Also the period in which boys and girls come together for co-education is a crucial period where hormonal changes are taking place. This might put some stress on their learning efforts. this has resulted in eve teasing and other derogatory effects
  • But we should not forget that anti-social elements cannot be stopped like this and they are present everywhere. Better administration can help avoiding any instance. If people who are participating in such institutes are sensible all incidents can be avoided and good results can be achieved.
    GD Topic Series: Co-education in India

Such points can be discussed and the examples can also be provided to make the GD more meaningful. List of important topics can be seen in my previous article. Also if aspirants need my views on what can be the probable point of discussion, you can write it to me. Body language is very important in GD and I would deal it in a separate article. Still if you feel the need of individualised assessment and mocks from your home itself through my mentoring or counselling or you have a query bothering your mind which hinders your preparation drop me a mail at [email protected] or add me on Fb and drop in a message. It would be a pleasure to help and resolve queries and clear doubts which are more often myths that are present in the place. SSB is really a easy exam if you know which path to traverse.

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jayendra Jayendra Singh, Editorial Team

Jayendra is pursuing MBA from IIM Ranchi and is a die heart counsellor for defence aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.
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Jayendra Singh

Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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