
My SSB Interview Success Story

By SSBCrack

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ssb interview story

Hello future officers I am Abhinay Yadav. I got recommended from Bhopal for Indian Army. I am writing this article especially for Repeaters, because I know the pain when we do not get recommend in SSB. I have gone through the same ggony, but ssbcrack.com articles used to alleviate my pain. I read almost all articles of ssbcrack.com and got many motivating thoughts like.

“If you are failing to prepare then you are preparing to Fail”.
My personal conviction is that we have been PERSEVERANCE to clear the SSB.
It was NDA when I first time in my life tasted the Defense’s blood. I got conference out, but I came to know about many of my shortcomings. After NDA I had almost 2 and ½ year to prepare because I was doing my engineering. I knew UES entry would come.

I joined a NGO “Swayam Jyoti”. This was started by my school seniors. Now all of them are serving the mother land by giving their services in Indian Army as Officers. I learned a lot from them. This was my grooming period. We did many events under this NGO. Our latest and most successful event is conduction Marathon in MHOW with Prestigious “Infantry School MHOW” .in this event our chief guest was Kargil war hero “Maj. D.P Singh”. He is great inspiration. It was my honor to run with such a legend.

My SSB Interview Success Story


This all group activities improved my ability to work in team and conducting big events. I learnt how to manage resources and work in pressure.
I also started reading books , to improve my thought process, And took sports seriously. I started running Marathon.

Then in pre final year of my engineering Indian Army came for campus round and I cleared it but unfortunately due to branch issue I was rejected from central command.  Information Technology branch was not allowed in technical entries that year. I got big jolt. Then I applied for TGC. In that was sure I will make it but unfortunately I got Conference Out. I started becoming impatient because I never wanted to do job in ciliv. I knew SSC tech is last option to get Army before leaving college.

My SSB Interview Success Story


Now I got used to report 6 in the morning. Aura was pleasing all the candidates were smartly dressed in formals. After initial documents checkup,we were taken to testing hall. Where we filled forms and then gave two OIR(Officers Intelligence Rating) consisting of 50 questions which needs to be solved in 23 minutes.
Then we were shown a hazy picture. I wrote story related to picture shown and not any pre planned story, which many candidates did and got screened out. After that in Discussion Test, I gave my best in individual narration and took 4-5 entries in G.D with constructive points.
I was screened in. then we did some documents check and filled three PIQ(Personal Information Questioner).  Next day was psychology my strategy was simple just make story around picture shown and not having any preconceived idea. I assimilated all the characters shown with background shown. My stories covered all three parts past, present and future (i.e outcome). In TAT wrote my first idea and did 57 SRTs. My speed in SRT was good and I used telegraphic language.
Ex- inspite of writing like “I will go there and will give first aid”
I simply wrote “will go there, give first aid” this saves lot of time.
In SDT I wrote what I actually think about myself.
Immediately after psychological test we were called for interviews. I was second person to be interviewed.
In interview I spoke from heart. I told only truth. Many times he tries to put pressure, but I tackled situation with cool mind. He asked me to do various calculations, which I did very easily. There were lots of technical questions especially from computer Networks. Rest of questions were from my life about family, friends, education, hobby etc . By 11:128 AM I was back in my room.
Next day was GTO day 1.
In GD and GPE I took active part. In snake race I helped many of my group mates in obstacles. And I was very strict about rules, whenever any rule was broken, I repeated that obstacle. In PGT(Progressive Group Task) I was actively giving practical ideas and was implementing then also. Same was in HGT(Half Group Task). Then in IO(Individual obstacles )I did 11 obstacles fearlessly. Remember here these tasks are there to check you fear. So do them boldly. Then in lecturette I gave my lecture confidently with organized thoughts.
GTO day 2
It started with Command task. I got 7 calls in this. In my command task he tried to build pressure but I remain cool. Then there was FGT( final group task) which our group completed. It is important to note that in GTO all test are there to test you group adjust ability not your individual performance. So always take your whole group together.
Next day was conference. They took considerable amount of time before calling me in. when I went in my interviewing officer asked me questions which I was unable to answer in interview. I had prepared these answers from Ante Room. So always find out answers of question you missed in interview.
Finally after lunch result was announced and I was Finally IN.
Words would not suffice to express that Great feeling. You fell like king.
This for my brothers, who are repeaters.  Please go for SSB again with improvement and you will get it.
“Failure is not when you Fail. It’s when you stop attempting”
ssb+interview+ About Abhinay Yadav: I am Abhinay Yadav from MHOW (M.P). I have been recommend from Bhopal for 43 SSC(T). I would like to share my experience with other buddies.
Olive Squad Mugs


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8 thoughts on “My SSB Interview Success Story”

  1. great bro…best of luck for merit list ..me also preparing for 3rd time SSB .After completing my B.Tech.i got a job but can’t concentrate my work to be selected in army.Your story gives a great potential to make aim towards it .


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