Interview is the most essential part for SSB. Though it seems to be tough but it is the easiest out of the three. Now you all would be guessing why I feel so.
It’s because this is the only round where you can take the command in your hand and drive the whole process. The fact should be known that interviewer gives you a chance first to express the interest and describe yourself.
Such an initiative is taken so that you become comfortable to the environment and then he can start the real testing process. This is the only chance where you can take the hold in your hand and deliver him your interest areas.
Human psychology has the tendency that it remembers only the latest things that are told to him hence such things would last long and he would be bound to test you in those parameters.
Once the hold is with you, you should know how to take it forward. You should only disclose those areas where you are confident and should be yourself always.
If you anyway try to cheat at any position, remember that you would be thrown out. The interviewer would test how synchronised your mind, body and heart are. Also he tries to extract some of the qualities through the interaction. This should match with the PIQ which the candidate has filled the very first day.
The match should be perfect between the qualities of yours known by you and what he extracts. If there is a misfit your chances are bleak. Few questions that might be asked could be related to:
- Types of friends
- Good/ bad qualities of your friends
- Time spent in hobbies
- How do you recreate things
- Sports and games that you enjoy
- General awareness about the latest happenings
- Social work that you do or have interest in
- How do you keep yourself
- Relation that you prioritise
- How you deal with difficult situations
- Attitude toward teacher
The above list is not at all exhaustive and could have other options also. The interest shown by you in all these sections will lead to further sub sections where more details would be desired.
The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work ~~ Steve jobs
The above statement is said by Steve jobs which clearly signifies that be proud of whatever you do and do it full heartedly, else whatever be the result, you would always feel that you could have better performed.
Remember don’t worry for the end result just give your best shot result is just the desirable outcome of what you do and if there is nothing wrong in input the output would always be good. Do send your queries by posting message and add me on Facebook. I would be happy to help you in getting close to your dream.
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are current affairs and general knowledge questionsd asked
yes for sure
what physology question can u give some examples
this ssb for girls selection is a not true .cal lletter is tamil nadu to allahabad why wasted select only north indians